Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Box Score Blues

As Fantasy Football and Baseball have taken on a life of its own. I am brought back to the memories of a game that my friends and I used to play to past the time during the summers. The game had no official name that I can remember. It was, on a very minor scale.. gambling and all that we needed to play was are knowledge of baseball and some lined paper. The newspaper boxscore of the baseball game provided everything else we needed.

I give you the notorious gamblers of Rose Place and Blue Point Road
Mario, Ken, Fankie, Lenny, Steve, Davey, Sal, Ray

The Boxscore Game
The ahem..rules.

each run scored (R)= 1 point
each hit (H)= 1 point
each rbi (RBI)= 1 point

The wager
dime= per point

5-10 baseball players chosen by each of us. It really depended on how much money we had. Remember we were kids.

Players to choose from for example Jim Rice (good for 4,2,2,3)/George Foster/Johnny Bench/Dave Parker/Reggie Jackson/Brian Downing/Rod Carew (4,1,2,0)/Toby Harrah/Mike Schmidt/Dwight Evans/Yaz/Dae Kingman (always a 5,0,0,1)/Steve Garvey/Dusty Baker/Chris Chambliss/Pete Rose/ Greg Luzinski. Each of us had our own rhyme or reason why we chose are players. Some of us read the back of the baseball cards for stats and other just liked the player or team.

The Game was simple: Grand total points for the week(S) for each player chosen wins the pot.
That's it, no trades , no waiver wires to deal with, no crying about your guy getting hurt, tough noogies if your team got rained out.

Usually the game would be around 3 weeks long, not sure if they went any longer.
Say the winner would have 100 points,
2nd place guy 70, 2nd place guy owes 10 cents per point he lost by (30 x .10= $3.00)
3rd place guy 50, 3rd place guy owes 10 cents per point he lost by (50 x .10= $5.00)

I want to say I owon my share, but I know I didn't. I problably still owe someone some money, yes I definitely do. Guess I chose Mario Mendoza one too many times.
Who do I send a check to?

My most treasured memory was meeting up with the guys, waiting to get the paper to check the box scores, the excitement of all of us adding up the the players tally or groaning when their player had an o'fer night. George Hendricks had 10 RBI's one night, I know I didn't have him on my team. Sigh!

ESPN did not exist then and the regional sports news just gave scores and an occasional highlight of the local teams. When I saw my team had scored 11 runs, I am beliveing that my guy went 5 for 5 with five runs scored and 5 runs batted in. The dream game score of 15. To my dismay it was usually an o'fer night with a sad one sacrifice fly RBI.

To this day, I will read the box scores entirely and even though they have changed or added some new stats, I will always count the number of points a player gets and think back to a time that provided some special memories for me.

the sportsfreak always scores a 5,5,5,5

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Fan of All

Today someone asked me who my favorite sport team is. For the millions of sports fans this is the easiest question in the world to answer. Can't tell you how many people just blurt out the Yankees because it's the in thing right now. For all you posers who now love the Minnesota Vikings, you couldn't name five starters on the team 2 years ago.

I have to process the question before answering it. I have to take account for whom I am talking to, where are they from, where I am at the time of asking, who else is in the area, and I am thinking about the reaction of person asking the question.
See ..I have issues.

I want to be the fan of every team. Ok, that is a little selfish but why can't I have it all. I do not jump on the bandwagon once a team start to improve and does well. I have been a passenger on that train the whole time. I may not have bought the priciest seat on the train and I may have been sleepng every once in a while but I know where the train has been and where it is going. Every team, if you look hard enough has something to be a fan of.

You can call me "Switzerland of Sports"- Good luck to the Swiss Team playing in the World Cup this year. Too bad Spain will school them in Group H.
Not too much, not too little... see?

When I was younger, I rooted for different teams for a number of reasons.
I rooted for the Houston Astros because the uniforms were god awful ugly, but mesmerizing to me. I rooted for the Tampa Bay Bucaneers (still do to this day) because of the Buccaneer on the helmet and the really cool creamsicle uniforms. So they went 0 for their first 26. But when the finally won a Championship in 1997, I took part in celebrating as well.

Being from New York I will always have a special place for my fav's:
the Mets (from Wayne Garrett to Greg Jefferies to Straw to Wright, time to win!
the Jets (Wesley Walker dude could run, not catch but run. Sack Exchange
the Knicks ( Ernie Grunfeld through Pat Ewing to the D League team playing now.
the Islanders (4 Cups in a row. Now John Tavavers will lead us?
the Giants (in da 80's,I'd given my right arm for a passing game. run,run,run, punt.
the Yankees (from the bleacher creachers to the $2500 a seat. The YANKEES WIN!!!
the Rangers (Mess, thanks for the bringing the Cup to us.)

I am a sucker for a cinderella story. Give me you down on their luck team who comes back to win it all. Your weak Division II team going against the big bad BCS team.
Give me your displaced team finding a new home. Your gently used player "past his prime" having one last season.

I hope that I have secured my peaceful place on the planet, Fandom.
On planet Fandom you can root for anyone , any team, for any reason, at any time.

Come join the sportsfreak, all are welcome.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Little Hustle Please

As I am waiting behind some random tourists departing the theme park, I am driven to jumping off the people mover and decide to walk along next to those to weary from their full day of fun. 99 out of 100 people have choosen this mode of transportation to get to their cars and the fact that it moves half as slow as a person walking normally has no effect on all those peeps. It's unfortunate but it's not just one location that the lazy are treated like royalty. We also have those people movers at the airports, the mall and my lord we even have them at supermarkets because people can not be bothered to push their ginormous shopping carts in and out of the store.

Can I get a little hustle people?

Now I am off my soapbox and will direct my energies to letting you know how a little hustle makes all the difference in sports.

Is it just me, when I see a high school or college basketball player diving out of bounds for a loose ball, it is for pure sportsmanship and desire but when I see a NBA player do the same I feel they just want to get on the highlight reel. You can have the pros. I'll take those school kids with floor burns on his elbows and knees any day.

I am at the Mets /Padres game, Bip Roberts is batting for the Pads, he lines a clean single to left center. The left fielder for the Mets (how many have they had?) is phoning it in. Bip sees this and turns his jets on and is heading toward second. You stand up out of your seat, you can stop from yelling at the left fielder to move faster than in slow motion. The throw comes in.. Bip is sliding spikes first... It's close, but Bippy Baby is in just under the tag.
Maybe more exciting than a home run, maybe.

I know some ball players have bad wheels(legs), some are just old (Julio Franco), most I am ashamed to admit it, are not hustling. But getting thrown at first on a hit to right field is unforgivable. You just hit the ball on the ground, say 150-200 feet from home plate. You have to run 90 feet. If your left hand batter is just bit shorter. Take some pride, run like your 10 years old. Run like your running in your bare feet. Just run.

A Walk is just four pitches that are not strikes. A Walk is a free pass to first base. Pete Rose walked to first base the best. He sprinted to the base. Almost happy that someone was giving him a free base and he couldn't wait to get to that base. His cap would fly off and damned if I didn't thing he would slide into first one time just to do it. If you were on his team, you loved him for it if you were on the opposing team you hated him for it. Me... loved it!!
Charlie Hustle belongs in the Hall.

I love the relief pitchers who when called in to pitch, run full speed from the bullpen to the mound. That's hustle baby! Remember the old days(for me that the 70's) when each team had huge Hat shaped golf carts to shuttle those relievers in. Some were even driven in the team mascots. (my fave, Phillie Phanatic)
They were so cool.

Why can't the two minute drill be run other than at the end of the half and the end of the game? I am not saying every possession, but you would think some team would try it more than twice a game. Jeez, give Peyton Manning a few opps like that and he would have 100 touchdown a year. Just saying.

A little more bashing for the NBA fan. Why does every player think they get fouled and then cry to the ref about not having a foul called. I know they get fouled every time but who wants to see a free throw shooting contest. My deal is when they are complaining , they are not playing defense and they are allowing the other team an advantage at the other end of the floor, usually resulting in two points for the opposition. Get back on D my boys!

I spent many a night staying up late to watch the US Open Tennis in New York. As well as slept on many a train after leaving Arthur Ashe stadium at 2AM. The night matches make the good players great and the underdogs seem unbeatable. I've seen Michael Chang run down shots that the normal tennis players would just give up on. His was cat like , he could turn on a dime and never got tired. Maybe it was the lights, maybe the full moon. The fans loved him for it.
Hustle never goes unappreciated.

Martina hustled on every point. This was Martina's game: Serve.. rush the net...volley... Serve... rush the net...volley. Relentless. Tennis at it's best.

How can it take six hour for the pro's to play 18 holes of golf? I can see us hackers taking a while, we have a few beers, play around in the golf carts,flirt with cart girl and take the one, ahem, two mulligans per side. But them, they just hit it and then walk to the ball and then hit it again.Maybe carts for hem would not be such a bad idea. Nice 64th place finish dude. Even nicer $45,000 check you got for that great finish. Maybe they are just Hustler's.

Thank you COT for ruining NASCAR.
Just let'em race and the fastest car wins.
Yarbarough- Allison fight(hustle/moxy)

Hey baseball pitchers... 4 hour games? Really? Is it really necessary for you to shake off the catcher 14 times before deciding to throw fastball?
Hey Bud, we are looking for Pitch clock.

So get your giddy up and keep a pep in your step because the sportfreak will be watching.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Baseball Mitt

I admit it, I love my baseball mitt. My mitt has been with me for so many years and has been there for all the ups (game saving catch in front of the big rock on St. Margaret's field) and downs (missing four foul balls, through the years, at good ol' Shea) of my entire sporting life. To most, it may seem to be just a piece of sports equipment, but to me it has been more than that.

Growing up,I was fascinated by the way the way they were made and how very different each glove was. A catchers mitts was so flat and seemed impossible to catch with (a catcher's mitt that you can't catch with...weird). The first baseman's glove was such a strange shape, it looked a little alien like to me (the blue ones were popular when I was a tyke). Outfielders gloves were just big, it was like catching with a basket. The infielders gloves were my choice, they were small and very flexible, just like an extension of your hand. My Ron Cey model was perfect.

My mitt went through hell. I would never do anything to any other item I owned that I have done to my mitt. We all follow some simple rules when you first get a new glove. First your supposed oil it, then your to put a ball in the mitt and wrap your glove closed with a rubber band. That's pretty much the rules of getting a glove in shape as directed by the Major League Glove Manufacturers.

Now here are all the other rules-rituals that made my mitt, my mitt.

Punch your fist in it, hay maker after hay maker, year after year, you really can't stop doing it when your glove is on your hand. Throw the ball into the glove 91.84 million times(my Mom would yell to stop playing catch in my bed and go to sleep).
Did you write on yours? I signed my name on the thumb. I've seen some with names and addresses, telephone numbers, player #'s, favorite team names. Even saw someon write their grilfriends name in it.

I threw my mitt a million times, sometime base to base, threw it on my way to home plate to bat from the mound. I threw it trying hit someone with it (sorry, baseball gets rough some time). I rolled it down the hill (hey I played on a hill, it rolled pretty good) I ripped it on the fence and then repaired it with shoes laces. shoe laces are the glue for baseball mitts. I hung it on the end of the bat, hit it with the bat, caught rocks with it.

I liked the taste of my mitt too. I chewed the leather. Come on... tell me y'all didn't do it too. I never spit in my mitt. Not sure why they do that, just kinda gross.

I always hated when my mitt got wet. The grip would turn too slimy.
Your glove is a perfect fit for your hand. I occasionally forgot my glove or needed to use another replacement glove during a pick up game, it was like playing a completely different ball game. You just don't just feel comfortable. Like your missing something. Missing a part of you. You miss "your" mitt.

I can't say I'm embarrassed, but I cried when I left my mitt on the field over night. I was like a kid on Christmas to find that it was still there the next morning.

Adults should never bring their mitt to the stadium. I heard this once or twice. Never sure who said it or why. But I am her to tell you that it makes my heart fill with baseball joy when I see a ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty year old fan carrying his mitt into the stadium. I know he is just hoping...just wishing that a foul ball come his way. They may close their eyes, they may have their eyes and mouth wide open can't really believing that the ball is coming right at them, as it they catch it? ..That's joy is priceless.

I will cherish my grandpas old mitt,a 1930's model, I love that is still held together with a few shoes laces.

When I feel a little stressed or a little down, I pick up my mitt, give it a few pounds with my fists. For those few seconds or minutes, it will take me away to a time and place where everything is right in the world.

That's why the sportsfreak loves his mitt.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

As I am downing another mixing bowl full full of my favorite breakfast cereal I can't help but wonder which cereal some of our most popular and more obscure athletes enjoy for their most important meal of the day.

King Vitamin- Lebron James, Bernard King

Wheaties- Bruce Jenner and then every other famous athlete to follow.

Life- Barry Bonds

Capt Crunch- Derek Jeter, Cap' Anson, The Mallachi Brothers

Lucky Charms- Sanford's trombone player should have had his 27 years ago.
Pink hearts ,yellow moons, green clovers, blue diamonds

Special K- Nolan Ryan

Fruit Loops- Greg Louganis

Sugar Smacks- Sugar Shane Mosley, Sugar Ray Robinson Sugar Ray Leonard

Frosted "Mini" Wheats- Eddie Gaedel, Spud Webb, any Chinese gymnast, Tiny Archibald, Roy Smalley, Frank Short

Corn Flakes- Bill Lee, Rickey Henderson

Rice Krispies- Jerry (Hall of Famer),Jim (Hall of Famer),Simeon (Hall of Shame)

Count Chocula- long live John Montefusco

Franken Berry- Chico Escaula says it best "beisbol been berry berry good to me"

Cheerios- Manchester United

Boo Berry- Boo Weekley, Boo Boo Bear

Cinammon "Toast" Crunch- Zach Wheat, John Rye, Roy White, Joe Magraine, Somare Rolle

Post Super Sugar Crisp- Coco's brothers name

Fruity Pebbles- Steve Stone, Dwight Stones, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin

Apple Jacks- Jack Nicklaus, Jack Lambert, Jack Morris, Jackie Stewart

Alpha Bits- Mike Krzyzewski, Adimchinobe Echamandu, Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala

Kix- Ronaldinho, David Beckham, Tom Dempsey

DON'T FORGET!!- Melky Cabrera

May your milk always be cold and your cereal never get mushy.

The sportsfreak is your most important reading of the day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Do You Hear What I Hear?

I had watched the Angels -Yankees American League Championship Series and noticed how different each of the stadiums fans cheering sounded. One the one hand you have Yankee Stadium, hand clapping and yelling is the main form of rooting for the home team.(sorry new YS, the old YS was much louder). On the other hand Anaheim Stadium thunder sticks ruled the park. Honestly the thunder sticks suck. Appreciation is shown by clapping your hands not balloons.
Hands Down- Hands win.

Who doesn't like the organ being played at the stadium, too bad its dying out to the DJ mixing beats for each batter.

Did you ever notice that referees use whistles in Basketball, football, soccer, and hockey. Why not in baseball? there a few minor league baseball stadiums in Florida that ban whistles. Geez, if a pitcher can't ignore a whistle, god bless him when he gets to Yankees Stadium. He'll turn into Ed Whitson.

Nothing beats the old Pitch and Catch of the stadium peanut vendor.
Hey get your peanuts here! One bag over here, please.
Best P & C ever- Angels baseball game- thrown 19 rows and caught by lady one handed.
Sign'em up.

Funniest Line I ever heard at the ball park-
"Who cares, its a Dodger Fan" said at Petco Park after a line drive foul ball hit a fan in the head.

When you walk into a ball park, one thing make me smile every time. The "Smack" of the ball hitting the glove- It makes a POP or SLAP sound, I remember wanting every catch I made to make that same sound. That takes me back 35 years, I am sure it will be the same when it takes me back 95 years

Guilty Pleasure: College Marching Bands.
Now I've seen a few marching bands in my day and been to a few Battle of Band competitions. These bands are throwbacks to football yesteryear. If you school fight song is being played there is no way your are not waving your arms, or moving your body along with those playing it. The best college band I've seen is the Morehouse College Band, they are unbelievable.. high stepping, energetic, musically gifted.
2nd place- USC Trojans "Spirit of Troy" - The Greatest Marching Band in the History of the Universe. I love the sunglasses.

I have noticed over the past few years that some of the stadium announcers are having trouble with their timing intoducing players. Padres announcers had trouble getting their intro of the next batter coming to the plate, My advice- don't announce the abtters name when they are still in the on-deck circle, the crowd cheers and then 20 seconds later he gets to home plate to dead silence.
I hear Crickets!
Bucs announcers- They have fireworks booming during player introductions. May work better if the fireworks spelled out the players names instead. Just a suggestion.

Is your football team so bad that your cheer every first down? This is sad.
Idea #1: Stadium announcers says FIRST- Fans say DOWN!

Every sport has a whislte/alarm to indicate the end of a quater, period or half. My beef is with halftime. Why is there no halftime Whistle Alarm to sound the end of Haltime and the beginning of the 3rd quarter/second half- dude sometimes I lose track of time during the half and now I'm stuck in the Turkey Leg line.
Wait for me! Stop the Game!

Where are the new and improved stadium fan chants. CHARGE! has to end.
clap calp clapclapclap is lame oh! See ""
Best chant I ever heard at a game: Yankees Stadium Bleacher Creatures yelling to a Suit in 2nd tier box seats: JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!

Love or hate it: at Minor league/spring training games you can hear a pin drop its so quiet. Love it! You can shout what you want to the players and they'll hear you. The CRACK of the bat is not a canned sound (hello TV)

I wish more professional teams had their own team song, like my favorite: The Houston Oilers Song. How cool would it be to hear your team song blaring throughout the stadium everytime a Home Run is hit or a Touchdown scored or a Goal scored. Thousands of Fans singing. Awesome!

I have an idea for a Golf Tournament. I'd call it the Let's Get Loud Tournament.
Here's how it would work. Cameras are allowed. Noise is allowed. Need I say more.
The fans at the The Americas Cup try and so do the fans at the US Open when played in New York. But they fall way short of what I am looking to do.
There are a lot of younger golfers who would love a tournament like this. Christ the sponsors alone would pay for everything. Just Imagine: Bands at the tee boxes or on the 18th green.
I can see KJ Kim- Teeing off to JayZ blasting through the speakers.
How about Tiger teeing off to Eye of the Tiger!
nuff said

Through his bullhorn, the sportsfreak has spoken.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Low Tech to No Tech

We were low tech
When I was a just a boy we never had all the fancy doohickeys (they still use that word right?)that the promising children of the present have nowadays. My nephew had earphones on and was staring into his PSP 2 inch screen directing the Planet of the Apes on another adventure. Me at his age - PONG!

I do however have fond memories of the spending countless hours with the guys playing the best hand held video game of all time: Mattel Electronic Football
How cool was that game. The Offensive Team was the 'Thin" red light and the Defensive team the "Thick" red lights. I can still remember pressing the < > key so much my hands and fingers would start cramping. Run..Thin Red Light..Run.

I can still picture, Mario, Lenny, Kenny and I kneeling for hours, screaming and yelling for our teams to score during the most realistic football board game known to man. I give you: Electronic Vibrating Football.
As you probably remember, most of the 22 players would end up in a cluster somewhere on the sideline while the remainder ran in circles in the center of the field. But sometimes , just sometimes your running back with hit the opening your buzzing lineman created perfectly and he would be in the clear, buzzing along, you hoping that he does not pull a "TURN LEFT NOW" at the last second. No other player within 20 yards. He.. could.. go...all.. the.. way!
It was pandemonium when he crossed the goal line.

Well that was about it for us kids electronically. The rest was up to us.
At the bus stop we played a made up game of curb ball. Using baseball rules, it was throwing a ball onto the corner of the curb so that it flew across the street to where the other team was playing defense. Just throwing was not the way did it, some of us would stand 3 or feet away and throw it at the curb, some would take a running start(that always makes it faster, right?) and some of us would just stand right above the curb and fling it as fast as we could. Games were always quick (the bus was coming remember?) and some times painful. We used a tennis or racket ball. The tennis ball was more forgiving. One time, I thought I was going to see everything for the rest of my life with a little tint of yellow fuzz the first time the ball ricocheted from my hand to the curb to my eye. The girls at the bus stop got a kick out of me crying on the bus. Stupid girls

With boredom comes "Kick the Can". This was the simplest of games. Lets see if I can remember correctly... one oil can(it once came in cans)... me and my friend 50 feet apart from each other... kick the can... have it stand straight up.... SCORE!
I never said it was rocket science. But I can still see the can flying, oil spraying then getting bent because half of that oil was on my pants. Holy cripes! I smelled like a grease monkey for the whole school day. How stupid. How fun.

I think Kenny came up with this doozey to play. How is this for using that pent up 10 year old energy. The event: Around the Block Run. We would time ourselves like they do during a 5K run, cept our run was up Blue Point Road(I swear its like 70 degree hill) then down Rose Place (help me, I can't slow down!)I used to hate to play this game but wound up loving it. 10 years old , whatever it takes, right?

The Gladiators or Ninja Warriors had nothing on us kids. Our obstacle course, went a little something like this.. run from the Lombardos driveway thru the Lombardo gate, around their pool(two times), jump or take the ladder over the Kubicskos back fence, and then over their side fence, around their house back through their side gate, over the Mucci fence , jump over the Lombardo fence then back over it, run through the Mucci gate, run down the Lombardo lawn and slide into the home base.
No wonder I slept like a baby at night.

?kaerfstrops a uoy a erA

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are You Clean? or Are You Dirty?

It has long been my preference for athletic uniforms to be clean or neat when watching or playing sports. it started when I was in little league. I was so happy to get my first uniform. I could care less what number was on the back (it was 11 by the way)I was pumped up that it was white with a red pinstripe down the side. My coach probably was not that happy because I did all I could not to mess up that uniform. No diving , only sliding at the last resort. I should have been prancing around the field. Geez.

Watching enough baseball throughout my life I have been seeing some uniform trends I cringe at daily. Manny Ramirez- please change out of your freaking pajamas, have a little respect for the game. Joe DiMaggio is turning over in his grave. Mr. Coffee, more importantly Mr. Yankee oozed class. I have never seen a picture or video of that guy with his uniform messed up. I loved the quiet Roy White and now following that Jeter guy right now.

Growing up, Steve Garvey of the Dodgers was my all time favorite clean guy. Neat as a pin, picture perfect swing. After he would get a hit he would fold his batting glove and place is neatly in his back pocket.
Pete Rose was the messiest of players I'd seen. He would be neat in the 1st inning and a complete dirty sweaty, grassed stained mess by the 9th. Charlie Hustle- Hall of Famer.
2nd messiest was Rickey Henderson- you try stealing bases sliding head first and keeping your uniform clean. Not that easy.

As we go through the wide world of sports I would like to share with you some dirty things and some squeaky clean things as well.

Mad props to all the tennis players who continue to wear their tennis whites. The fashion shows on the courts right now are ridiculous. We all have the Meth Head Andre Agassi to thank. Serena Williams in a Cat Suit. Ugghh!!
Please listen to Ron Burgundy when he say's "STAY CLASSY"

Man, football players keep it simple. The players who play outside get dirty and the players who play in a dome don't. Who doesn't love a game when it so rainy and the field is a mud puddle. Everyone slipping and sliding can't even some the players numbers. Very cool. Snow is just plain crazy, slush is even better.
I used to hate playing football outside in the winter, getting tackled and getting snow inside of your gloves. Freaking wrists were frozen and now your hands were soaked and slowing becoming ten little Popsicles.

Hoop Star who stand out me are Micahel Cooper of the Lakers. His high sock to the knee an his neatly pressed uniform which never looked messed up.
Nowadays, the players bodies are just dirty- sorry but the body ink is just too much to bear. David Stern, can you hear me?

Why doesn't a NASCAR Team get sponsored by Clorox - how cool would that be.
A White Car, no sponsor stickers.
Pit Crew is dressed in white- looking like ice cream men. Sponsored by Good Humor.

Volleyball is very unique- one the one hand- who can't get enough of women dressed barely anything rolling around getting dirty in the sand. Maybe they can have a sideline shower for them to rinse off after each play. Please don't get me wrong, they play hard every point and they are world class athletes.

Weird but true: Michael Phelps was super CLEAN, from lots of water and chlorine, no surprise there. Now he is DIRTY, stained by grass.

A special shout out to my clean heroes:
Mr. Clean (rockin' the earing)
Mr. Rogers (rockin' the sweater and slippers)


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Need Me Some Swimmies

My first swim lesson was my last swim lesson. How can any sane person, let alone a 6 year old, feel good about putting their face in the water. No holding your nose, no closing your eyes. That's not normal people. Needless to say I failed to graduate to the big pool.

Now today at 42, it is the same old Ray jumping into the pool and holding my nose before hitting the water. God.. how many pictures of that do I have from past pool parties. My nieces and nephews always laugh at that sight. Punks!

Ok Ok I know what your thinking. Maybe get one of the nose pinchers. Yeah, they hurt like the dickens and then I want to breath through my mouth. Not a good thing in the water. Maybe swim lessons- Not sure I can drum up the courage. Don't get me wrong I can swim, Just the under water breathing thing is the problem. Not sure why I like lots of the water sports then.

Snagged a cool artist rendering of Steve Lundquist at the Flea Market last week, I remember watching that dude along with Rowdy Gaines win some gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. That was the last time before Michael Phelps that the USA was any good in the pool games. Before that, we had our Golden Boy seven time over Marc Spitz. Spitz got his records in a smaller six lane pool and never got lane favoritism. He won two medals swimming in the last lane. Looked like he was swimming in the ocean the waves in the pool were so big.

All swimmers should have to swim the way Marc did. Speedo, mustache and actual body hair. Then we could really compare who is the best ever. Wouldn't that be a sight? Ladies... easy does it!

Why do the types of swim strokes have such girly names.
You have the Butterfly- hardest of them all, gentlest of name.
The doggy paddle- your girlfriend had to have made that up.
The backstroke- you ladies do love a good massage don't ya.
They got the breast stroke- Ok maybe a guy named this one.

I used to have a big fear of playing pool baseball. It was fun, but damn it was the splashiest game around. How was I going to hold my nose, swim to first, avoid the ball getting thrown or people diving at me? We played the best games in the Lombardo's big pool. Homerun was hitting the pool railing on a fly. The "Dink" was everybody's fave. The only rule that made sense was- you throw the ball out of the pool, you go get it. Poor Aunt Barbara, she thought we'd put a hole in the side of her pool jumping in and out so many times. Many classic games with Len, Mario and Ken.

What ever happen to the fashionable frilly ladies swim cap?
They were for ladies, not like the ones donned nowadays.
All men and ladies have the same type now and its hard to tell the difference between girls and boys.
Maybe the ladies should wear swim suits that are pink or yellow or with pretty designs. Why do they wear black? I know it makes them look skinnier, right ladies. But black doesn't make them faster. Speedo, are you listening????

I love the pool diving competitions. I'm not a big fan of diving myself...duh, the nose holding thing. Pay attention!
All I have to say about diving is Greg Louganis. Thank you very much.
The 10 meter platform is rally 2 mile high. I swear, see for yourself.
Recommended change for diving- running starts for distance dives. That be so cool.

Recommended changes for swimming
Why don't they handicap the swimmers by putting weights jackets on them. You know, like they do a jockey?

Introduce the Dog Paddle as an Olympic race. I can do that!

Diving for quarters with your eyes closed contest.

How bout Team Marco Polo in an Olympic pool. Think about that one for a minute.

I would love to be the judge of the PCBL- Professional Cannon Ball League.

OK kids, time to get out of the pool, now remember no eating for 30 minutes.

Do as Dory says, keep swimming, keep swimming, keep swimming swimming swimming!

Once a Sports Freak, always a Sport Freak.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just Shooting the Rock

Today after work, I will be going out to the driveway to shoot a couple of baskets.
Nothing takes the stress out of the day more that shooting a few rainbow jumpers that swish through the net.

The gym is not the place I like to go, but I know I need too. But for a short hour or two that little hoop in the driveway can make me cry uncle.

We've all heard the legendary stories of basketball players shooting hundreds of shoots every day during their childhood. I can say that I try to do that as an adult.
I go in thinking I'll count the number of shots. But that usually last only half way through the first listen to Kurtis Blows "Basketball".

The Zone- don't you just love the zone. You can't miss anything, your banking them in, your finger roll is working, the lefty shot that never goes in , goes in. We all been there, always want to stay there. But once you start acknowledging it. The zone is gone.

The Crowd Pleaser- Since I moved to our Florida neighborhood I barely knew my neighbors. Nobody gets out much. It's hot here, ok?
I used the hoop theory out on my neighbors. It was pretty simple. Everyday I would go out and shoot some baskets, I would get to see people returning from work, a good day or a bad day. They'd always say hi. I would see the adults riding the bikes around the block, How are you? Kids in the area would always want to shoot.
Before you know it, people are stopping and talking, some just want to take a shot, some to ask about neighborhood. Kids are knocking on the door to see If I'll come out to shoot a few buckets. Still meet someone new every week.
Now it feel like a neighborhood.

The Pied Piper- A bouncing ball makes an echo. Did you know that? You can hear a bouncing ball on the next block. This is a hypnotic sound around my block. The kids come out in droves when the ball is heard. I can be out there for few minutes and along comes Freddy or Malcolm or Shila or Cheyenne or Patrick. just wanting to play the basketball. When it get crazy, you have basketballs,volleyballs, baseballs, dogdgeball and pool balls all heading toward the basket. Kids aren't paying attention. Kids are getting hit on the head. Everyone is having a good time.
Its awesome!

Lucky Charms- who doesn't have a lucky spot on the court from which they love to shoot from. Mine is the middle of the street it lines up along the baseline on the right hand side. Or I choose the corner of the front walk, I have to shoot over a hanging tree limb. On a real court, my shot is just to the right of the free throw line. I am sure If you look hard enough, I've worn out my spot in the street.
It's money is all I got to say.

Time for my last second shot. I really mean the last shot.
Not sure how it got started but since I can remember, it was always bad luck when you left the court and you did not make your last shot. I have said this to so many players/kids/adults and they look at me like I'm nuts. It doesn't have to be a hard shot or from a specific location. Just a nice shot that goes in. To me it's like pleasing the basketball gods. The gods will in return bless us with another day of playing their wonderful game.

Another day , another two points.

That is why I'll always be a sports freak.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

For the Love of the Lane

It's Sunday afternoon and I am waiting to head out for a little shopping but I am keeping everyone waiting because I am watching ladies professional bowling.
No, you didn't read that wrong, Ladies Professional Bowling. In my defense, the one lady finished up with a 279. I don't hear anyone laughing now do I. I didn't... because they have all left me not wanting to wait any longer.

The beginning of my bowling career began at age 11, when I went along with some friends to their summer league. Parents were happy to get rid of kids for a few hours. After a few tag-alongs. I joined as well. My ending average 123, not bad for a novice.

Just like that I'm an addict, I'm hooked. I'm looking forward to my league bowling every week at Brunswick Lanes in Coram, NY. (Happy to see after 30 years the place is still there. I check every time I venture back to the Island of Long.)
I remember walking the 2 miles to the lanes many, many times. I even had to carry my ball. During the winter I was the like the postman, in the rain or sleet or snow, I walked the walk. My bowling ball was so cold when I got there I thought it would crack in half the first time I threw it down the lane.
When I was running late, I would ride my bike. You try carrying a bowling ball while trying to ride your bike. Not easy my friend. Broke about 4 stupid bags. Never cracked the damn ball though. Fell off my bike two times. Come on, as I said you try it.

The bowling alley was my kingdom. I loved everything about it, from the moment walking in the door and hearing some random ball smashing into the pins. POW!
(Still listen for it now.)
Spent a lot of time in the game room, spent alot of time trying to get sneak into the bar (later on in life spent to much time in there.) Spent even more time bowling. Back then games were 3 for $1.00. For $3.35 your league gave you 3 games, shoes, hamburger, fries, drink, cookie and a game token.
Christ a cookie now cost more than that.

I have few questions about the house bowling balls.
Why are there no PINK 16 pound bowling balls offered?
Why do keep the balls that have cracks in them? They don't roll very well.
Who has thumbs are that big?
Where was the Purell hand sanitizer then?
Was a Johnny Petraglia Ball just for lefties?

I have few inquires about bowling shoes.
Why so darn ugly? I wore ones that were blue and green with orange laces.
(The Ladies do not dig you in those shoes, man!)
What the hell is this that spray?
Why no designated wait time before handing those used just turned in shoes to the next guy? Nothing worse than a hot, moist pair of shoes.

Onwards we go, I learned you could get unlimited bowling if you just coached in a junior league. Being the adult age of 14 I joined the coaches of the Bantams. The kids were 5-8 years old. I had the most fun, these kids were just there for the soda and cookies, so I ate lots of cookies and drank lots of soda. My favorite memory of coaching was trying to coach Jayu, (what's up former neighbor!) Jayu was 7, had a vicious hook on his ball, so much that it would hook from on gutter to another. He had a 12 week average (that's 36 games )of a perfect "O" that's right a goose egg. I tried every trick in the book but he probably still goes down as the only kid never to record a single pin knocked down during a summer session. I'll ever forget you for that Jayu, HUSKER DU!

At 16, I ventured into the bowling alley work force, hell if I was going to be there that much, why not make some money (started at $3.65 per hour).
Holy crap! I was now running the bowling alley. First duites included cleaning the garbage cans and ash trays. Yep, smoking was allowed back then, encouraged really, more like a smoke fest. I stunk everyday I worked.
I loved working the desk, now I sprayed those stanky shoes.
I loved the voice of god speaker system. "We have a 180 on lane 16, a 180 on 16!"
I worked the snack bar with Katie. Free food!! Sorry for punching you Katie
I even got to go into the bar area to fill in the ice bins.
I liked to work the Men's League on Wednesday's, the best guys bowled then
The best bowler Mr.Dunkinberger, he was mean bastard and cocky and I swore one day I'd beat that guy. Finally did the next year when I bowled in that league. Just ask his wife.

I bowled all throughout High School, Go Wolverines! Remember a lot of funs times and some good friends.
Tom Kunkel dude was a real good friend.
Steve Kirschenbaum- couldn't figure you out dude, lose the wrist guard.
Ron Mulderig- intense- always intense.
Robbie Benson (didn't you bowl a 279 like that lady. Billy Idol Rocks!)
FYI- I still hate the Centereach Bowling Team. Hatred runs deep man.
I'll be honest the Newfield Girls High School bowling team I remember a little better. They were much better than the guys team.
Karen Dulovic, Catherine Parsons, Jackie DeJesus, Felicia Lago, Judy Prummell, Robyn Mulderig. Damn.. they were even nice to watch. It was tough to concentrate. I remember lots of fun during some of those matches. Bet your all still knockin em dead..

Quick note- The Pro Bowler Tour made a stop on the Island. They stayed at the hotel I worked at. Now Ray is having a heart attack! My bowling heroes, one by one live and in person. Could have died that day! My man crush on Amleto Monicelli was just beginning. Randy Pedersen and family -the nicest ever, Marshall Holman-your short dude. Pete Weber-damn your skinny. Mark Roth- hated you for beating Earl Anthony but a real nice guy. For one week I was in heaven.

I bowled in a number of Men's League for a number of years around the Island of Long, up to four nights a week.
Bowled at Port Jeff Lanes, NY (Congrat's 50 years old),
Sayville, NY- what's up Darren and Dennis? Can we get another pitcher of beer to go?
Even dreadful Centereach Lanes, NY -old and smelly
Good ol' Brunswick Lanes-thanks for the memories.

Now in the tenth frame, I do find it strange even to this day the excitement I feel inside me when I walk into a bowling alley. The time comes for me to throw my first ball... my friends or family are watchin.... my competitive juices start flowing... I always say to my self just then...... It can't it get any better than this!

That's what makes me a sports freak

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Don't Cross the Line

Why does a line on a field speak to me? They are just lines, some painted on, some stuck on, some frozen, some lines are invisible, some red some blue, most are white, some are curved, some straight, some you never want to touch again, some you can't wait to touch. Lines......

The free throw line on the basketball court in little Bicycle Elementary School was my first encounter with the line. 13 feet 9 inches away fom the hoop. Could have been 8 miles.
I was 4 foot zero, the basketball was twice the size of my head. I tried over and over from that line. Closer to the hoop you could do. The line meant something. Big kids (six graders) could do it , why not me. I remember it being blue, which was perfect because it made me feel blue. Stupid Line.

The Finish Line to me is the line of accomplishment. I remember finishing my first 500 yard dash. 2 minutes 23 seconds. Not bad for the 5th grader. Had the same energy rush finishing my first 5K and my first 10K. I love track and field, just once I wish I ran a race that I had to lunge through the finish line to neck out the runner next to me. It's quite picturesque (photo finish LOL).

Why are there so many lines on the football field? We have alot of them to keep up with. The sideline- where tips toes are very manly. The goal line- where majestic battles of girth are on display every sunday.
Why are they called hash marks? They are lines for chrissakes!
Does the Line Judge keep track of the number of lines? Weird right?

Is it called the fair line or foul line?
I used to draw a line in the sand before getting into the batter box. Stupidstition!
The line drive hit should be an automatic double. They are hit so hard,its just not right , do you hear me Bud?
How fast can you really run the bases staying with in the base lines? Evar Swanson 13.3 seconds. Ray Kubickso (thats me people) 22.4 seconds.
Don't you love the clanking sound of the ball hitting foul/fair pole/line.

The soccer goal line is life or death, dudes get shot for mistakenly kicking a ball over their own goal line.

Did you ever zip line? It feels a little like this:
Nervous...Nervous...scared...scared...I'm falling...God I'm falling...Am I flying...I'm f'in flying... This is so cool!... Yesssss !!

Oh yeah...Line dancing is not a sport.

This is the end of the line folks.
Remember to walk the line people. That means straight and narrow, like a line.. duh!

A sports freak? I am what I am.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Hands

Not sure why I would I would focus on this area of any athlete. Maybe it was the pot induced stupor that had me looking at my hands as if they were something magical.
(No Mom, I don't need the drugs are bad for you talk.)

But to each athlete the "hands" are on integral part of their success.

Being an amateur/semi professional athlete myself (little league and high school sports) Thank you very much. I quickly notice that I may have a tough time is some sports. Let's start with basketball, my favorite. I dreamed of being Dr.J palming the ball,dunking it through the hoop all day long. Damn you tiny hands! Now I opt for the special girls smaller basketball when I need my Dr.J fix.

Volleyball- Karch Kiraly had the best hands on the beach I have ever seen.
I dug that dudes digging. Say that ten times fast.
He could serve the ball 100mph, me 18.
Not sure how he didn't break his fingers. Must have been the suntan lotion.

Hockey wrist shot- I am constantly amazed at the dexterity that hockey player have when attempting this type of shot. They can flip the pick just over some one or scorch it a 75 mph. Coolest part of the shot is every once in a while, it will shatter the glass. Always a crowd pleaser.

Tennis =You try hitting back a serve at 140mph. Mother of god! How many times can my racket fall out of my hands?
I thought myself a pretty good tennis player, yeah until I grew up.
My favorite shot on the court is the touch volley. At the net, feeling like a target. You can almost catch the ball on your racket and just place it just over the net.
My greatest shot was produced as I rushed the net behind my slicing 2nd serve, as I hit the service line the return shot was hit to my backhand side and down the line. Instincts and lots of TV tennis told me to stretch lunge for the ball. Amazingly my eyes never left the ball, fully extended I hit a low cross court volley just above the net, landing in the corner of the opposing service box.
At any time,I can close my eyes and see that shot. I am sure Dick Enberg would have called it a miraculous shot.

Baseball- what I remember most about playing baseball when I was younger was the stinging of the bat when you hit one off the label of the bat. Nothing else in life make you pay so dearly. Hitting your funny bone doesn't even come close. Now remember it was 40 degrees out to boot. Worse yet, I hit a freaking foul ball. Now you got to hit again. Squeezing the bat with pins and needles
Throwing a new ball was truly awesome. It smelled good, the whitest of whites, the 216 bright red stitches (I could throw the nastiest curve with a new ball)
Throwing a wet baseball, just gross. Leather Face would like it, me not so much. Slimey with no grip and spits at you when you catch it.
I loved to play cather flies up. I could stay out all day and just field.
Game saving catch at the wall was my play.
I would try to turn a routine catch into a circus catch. Hey, I was a kid!

Why does NFL QB Trent Dilfer have abnormally large hands - Dude has hands that can palm my head. Sort of like huge mittens. No wonder he can throw a spiral.
Me, famous for the wobbly end over end beauties. Never saw one of my special throws on the NFL Films in slow motion? You should. They would have to play the classical "Duck Walking on Hot Tar" overture when showing it.
Catching the pigskin was my thing or so I think it is. We played alot in the streets and the park near the house. Can't remember how many 5 touchdown games I had. I do remember some of the tougher catches made by my friends, Frankie running into a car, still held on. Nice. Jimbo with a one handed Staue of Liberty catch, never seen someone so surprised and happy at one time. All of us have the hands road rash from diving onto the street. I jumped backward one time to catch a bomb thrown by Mario and I swear on my mother I thought I broke my tail bone.
Friends laughing... Ray dying....memories.

Just a few more than I gotta go

Hand is quicker than than the eye- I once knocked a glass off a display counter about eye level with my right hand and caught it at my ankles with my left hand.
Crazy right?

Ladies ice skating - Thanks you Jimmy MacElroy for the peacock routine.

Ladies Gymanstics- why don't they just make the uneven parallel bars out of chalk?

Flo-Jo's finger nails scared the crap out of me.

Michael Jackson-glove you dude

manicure- should be called ladycure. Dudes should never get these.

I'm one of the good hand people.
That's what make me a sports freak.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

National Anthem

Please rise and remove your caps before reading.

You know me....I am the person next to you shhhushhing you or telling you to remove your hat or stopping you from taking another bite of your hot dog because our national anthem is going to begin . In my world....the best part of the game is not actually part of the game.

From the many sporting events I've attended in my life, from AAU T-Ball Championships to The SuperBowl, they all have this magical connection for me. I have even stood , hats off, hand over heart, all alone, watching the anthem on TV in my house.

The Star Spangled Banner. Just say it again. That's pretty cool right?

We all have our favorite way the anthem should be sung, played or interpreted.
No way is better than the others but some are definitely worse than others.
I'll give you my worst versions:

Carl Lewis-still hasn't made it up to us.
Rosanne Barr- should have been shot and killed on site.
R. Kelly- lamest version ever. People were dancing to this. That's right dancing!
Michael Bolton- couldn't sing this and still can't sing.

Here are my favorite versions:

Whitney Houston- Pure Power
Jimmi Hendrix- 3rd on my Ipod play list.
Carrie Underwood- her voice is just as pretty as she is.
Marvin Gaye 1983 All Star game- THE BEST EVER!! THE COOLEST!! THE SMOOTHEST!!

Maybe I am just sensitive, yep I am not scared to say it, but I get emotional every time it is played. We're talking stomach aching, eyes tearing, wanting to scream it out loud emotional.
I'm sure there is no other song that I have ever heard that makes me feel that way.

I have 25 different version of the song on the Ipod machine thingy.
I have 10 versions of O'Canada. Don't hate the neighbors up north.
How about 15 version of God Bless America. (Ronan Tynan is awesome)
5 version for America the Beautiful
Now you know.

When did the fly-byes begin? I wish they started sooner.
The songs buildup , the entire stadium looking skyward waiting in anticipation....the planes soaring overhead....deafening....unbelievable.
If anyone says they dislike this, they'd be lying.

So there you have it. The next time you are asked to stand for your national anthem.

Stand up straight, Sing out loud, Sing with pride and know I'll be singing with you.

That 's why I'm a sports freak.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Low Five

I have scanned the,old sports pictures, old baseball cards and TV's 2016 channels for a glimpse of the sacred "low five".

Why has it been hidden for so many years? Who has hidden it? How did it vanish? I have many questions about this. I hope to find the answers to some of them.

The first time I witness the low five was watching a baseball game in 1974.
The game was between the Oakland A's and the (then) California Angels.
I saw outfielder Joe Rudi coming to the dugout after hitting a home run and he eyes Reggie Jackson as if to say "put them out dude!"and Reggie has his two hands stretched out in front of him and Joe slams both of Reggies hands down with his own. Big smiles on both of their faces. That's my Kodak "low five" moment.

The low five was used throughout my childhood. All us kids used it when we crossed home plate, scored a touchdown, hit the game winning basket, or just said something clever.
Hey guys Slap me five, or slap me ten, slip me some skin..too slow.
Those low fives meant more than just celebrations on the field.

You could low five to say hello.
Low five to to say good bye.
Low five to say your sorry.
Low five to promise.
Low five to agree.
Low fives for doing something cool.

I remember Kenny Muccis low five. One of the most enthusiastic guys I have ever known.
He'd hit you so hard , he had hands of stone, I thought my arms would come out of the sockets, arms just laying there on the ground. I always received low fives from him, but also was praying he would take it easy for once. No such luck.
I remember the tingly feeling and the red palms to this day.

So what happened to the lovable low five? Was it banned from sports (those commissioners ruin everything), was a diabolial marketing plan for the High Five in the works? Did the low five become a gang sign?

Dusty Baer and Glenn Burke of the Los Angeles Dodger , were thought to start the "High Five Craze". With the first above the head, one time, one handed, palm to palm slap all the coolness of the low five was just slapped into oblivion.

We have progressed though. We have gone from High Five to Fore Arm Smash to Chest Bump to Fist Pump to now the high performance slap routines.

All the above creations are unique in there own ways and everyone has there own style of giving and receiving. Some people know how to give them and some people should just let the professional do it. I know a dude who broke his wrist because of a forearm smash. Moron!

However, I would most like to see the Low Five revived and live on in sports lore.

We all deserve a second chance, right?

So if you see me from afar and we come to cross paths. Keep you eyes alert and your hands low.

This is what makes me a sports freak. Low five..on the side.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An Old Ball Game

As I turned on the TV to catch up on the baseball game, the camera view of the game was very interesting. For a total of 26 seconds the screen did not have any stats of the game telling me the essential game info. I didn't know how many out, what inning and most importantly who was winning. There was no continuous ticker running at the bottom of the screen telling me the same thing over and over. Was I in the Twilight zone? Had I gone back in time 30 years?

During this 26 seconds of bliss, it got me thinking to my idea of having a true RETRO Baseball Game. Not the retro games that everybody has done a thousand time before . You know them, the 70's Disco Night, Rockin' the 80's andThe 60's Peace Out has been there a few times as well.

My game would be a retro game from the 1920"s or 1930 era.
Some of things that I would love to see happen for this game would be.

Baggy Cloth Uniforms. The game would stipulate that they be worn correctly. The socks worn to the knee the pants to just below the knee. The belts would be there as well. Aren't we all sick of the new trend that players are looking like they are wearing their pajamas on the field.

Cleats. Cleats should be cleats. Sharp metal ones, not the sissy plastic ones they play with now. The cleats worn in the day by players were all the same. No company sponsored shoes. Not for basketball looking cleats . Black with black laces, simple.

The Reporters/Photographers. I would love to see the reporters sitting in the stands with the paying patrons. The seats are where you really feel the action of the game. Reporters could get a great stories just listening and watching the fans. Not the booth half way up the stadium and to boot it is sound proof. Reporters would have to carry a pad and pencil, have their Official Report ID on the suit or hat.
Photographers, I know you are around the field level already but wouldn't it be cool to be out on the field around home plate , ten or so feet from the batter or on the foul line during then game. Using your old time cameras,even those tripods that look 6 feet tall.
I would love to see that.

Concessions: This is the easiest. Make the cost equal the 1930's.
Make sure that the Game Program has a scorecard is included.
I am sure a hot dog company would love to sponsor the 5 cent dog night.
Double goes for the beer company.
Oh yeah, no sushi, no quesadillas, no wraps, no chicken and brocolli dinners, no cotton candy
Just concession food from the 193o's

These seem like some good ideas until I thought what I think may be the best

FANS. All attending guests must dress to impress.
Yes ladies you should be in a dress and lovely hat. An umbrella to protect you from the sun. Sunglasses weren't around then.
Dudes!! the Dark suit ,ties and shoes along with the hats that were the rage then.
No jerseys.No jeans. No sneakers . No freaking business casual wear allowed.
Stadium staff would have the right to turn you away if you came inappropriately dressed.

I hope that I have the opportunity to take in a ballgame like the one describe above.

We can all dream.

That's what makes me a sports freak.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wiffle Ball

As I was walking through Wal-Mart today when I overheard a little boy pleading for his mom to buy him a wiffle ball and bat. To his dismay and mine the mom said "Sorry honey, maybe next time". I'm sure my groan was heard throughout the store.

Wiffle Ball is, was and shall be the easiest but most complex game that I have ever played.
You would probably think may cricket or jai alai, but no really, it's the kids game that I love.

I played wiffle ball with the classic yellow bat and white wiffle ball with the wiffle holes. The originals. Nowadays the kids think the red bat that Barney Rubble could've use and the ball made with no holes is wiffle ball. No holes!

I remember the games played in my neighborhood, the one on one battles, the two on two gems and catcher flies up til sundown. We made fields out of any yard, Steve's backyard was long & thin with trees as foul ground on the third base side and the house as foul on the first base side. We played until we wore out base lines in the grass. You think his dad would have been pissed. But he played with us kids. Using his patented "salami sinker" pitch he mowed us down like Nolan Ryan.

Amazing how you can still visualizethe batting stances of your childhood friends. Davey's classic stroke , picture perfect. Sal's looping swing- only hitting the low and away pitch, everything else was missed by a mile. Mine- a right handed dead pull hitter. I must have hit a thousand foul into the tree down the line at third. Which make my most vivid memory all the weirder. My first homerun in the yard was a left handed (yes lefty.. for christ sakes!) mammoth shot hit off Steves Dad. I saw Steves, running from second, head turn quick to look at the ball soaring and seeing his open mouth screaming excitingly, smiling like crazy kid. I heard nothing. Jogging in slow motion, watching the ball, I wished the ball would have stayed in the air forever.


I can still hear Mom's whistle calling me in during the middle of an intense game in front of Marios house. I'd scream back" I'm coming!" 3 more whistles and 3 more screams from me was the norm. Marios front yard was diffcult terrain to cover. We pitched from one side of the street to the other. Fielders played on the lawn, the really nicely manicured lawn. We ran through the flower beds and dove into the shrubs to catch the damn ball. Big Len got bent many times after finding his new flowers trampled. Not sure why none of us ever broke our necks. Pure love of the game spared us, I guess.

Pitching the wiffle ball was never my thing. I studied the box, you know the box, it would show you how to grip the ball to make it curve in, out, up, down, diagonal. I never got it. My favorite pitch was fast and straight. Needless to say I was lit up more than Brian Kingman, yes that Brian Kingman. Mario on the other hand could make the damn ball dance. He'd hit the strike box on the wall every time. My upper cut pull swing was no match for his submarine pitch, his over the top slider, his Fernando Screw Job pitch, his Rose Place curve. He didn't name them, I did, out of respect. Still to this day when I see someone pitch a wiffle ball, I say to myself, Mario would put them to shame.

ToLenny, Mario, Steve, Davey, Sal, Kenny, Frankie, Jayu .
Good game guys.

Whhoooossh of the bat. The "Click"of the hit
Oh yeah....the pain when your finger got stuck in the ball.

That why I'm a sports freak.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


"The 100 meter dash"
The winner of this race is pronounced as the "World's Fastest Human."
Let me say this again, The World's Fastest Human.

As I was driving home, I had remembered seeing earlier in the day the headline for the much hyped Tyson Gay vs Usain Bolt 100 meter race at this years World Championships. My foot could not have been pushing on the accelerator harder. I couldn't get home fast enough.
This event for me has as much excitement as does a Heavyweight Title Fight (then) or UFC Title Match (Now). I almost drove through the garage door knowing that I could not dare to miss one second of this race (Really that's just 10% of the race).

The runners arrived to the track, walking regally to their lane assignments. The runners couldn't have been more different.
Tyson Gay was all business Getting himself psyched up to the point of crossing over to the dark side. I was looking for him to slap himself into a frenzy. Sort of scared the crap out of me.
Usain Bolt on the other hand, mugging for the cameraman to get his face on the stadium big screens. Striking his patented pose "The Lightning Bolt" for another ten thousand people wanting to get that shot of him. He was kidding around with countrymen, Asama Powell, like they were kids. The thousands of spectator in the stadium and the one in his living room were eating this up. My eyes couldn't move from the TV. I felt like standing to watch this so I did, like this would make me feel more in the moment, as they ran down the track. I could may be run with them.
The starting gun goes off (POP!!!) My hair is standing on end right now.The Bolt has shot from crouch to running top speed in 4 steps. He is a giant compared to the other men running already looking to catch up. At 50 meters, Usain has reached his cruising speed (like 164 mile an hour!). The other runners look pained at the thought of having to run another 50 meters, as Usain was looking around for the nearest camera to smile into. I am seeing this but not believing the speed of this man.
Then Bolt glided, yes glided (wasn't even breathing hard) over the final 50 meters while running through the tape like a true sprinter should (Reminder to should always run through the tape). I can't believe my eyes as I see the clock and it shows 9.58 seconds a New World Record. My heart is beating as fast as any runner right now. My fists pumping in the air wishing I could be high fiving the guy next to me in that stadium.

This is that moment that makes me a sports freak.

As I arrived to work on Monday I asked my co worker if he had seen the race that Usain ran and his response was "Who?"

The world is Usain's stage now. Get ready for the show. Don"t blink or your going to miss it.