Tuesday, August 18, 2009


"The 100 meter dash"
The winner of this race is pronounced as the "World's Fastest Human."
Let me say this again, The World's Fastest Human.

As I was driving home, I had remembered seeing earlier in the day the headline for the much hyped Tyson Gay vs Usain Bolt 100 meter race at this years World Championships. My foot could not have been pushing on the accelerator harder. I couldn't get home fast enough.
This event for me has as much excitement as does a Heavyweight Title Fight (then) or UFC Title Match (Now). I almost drove through the garage door knowing that I could not dare to miss one second of this race (Really that's just 10% of the race).

The runners arrived to the track, walking regally to their lane assignments. The runners couldn't have been more different.
Tyson Gay was all business Getting himself psyched up to the point of crossing over to the dark side. I was looking for him to slap himself into a frenzy. Sort of scared the crap out of me.
Usain Bolt on the other hand, mugging for the cameraman to get his face on the stadium big screens. Striking his patented pose "The Lightning Bolt" for another ten thousand people wanting to get that shot of him. He was kidding around with countrymen, Asama Powell, like they were kids. The thousands of spectator in the stadium and the one in his living room were eating this up. My eyes couldn't move from the TV. I felt like standing to watch this so I did, like this would make me feel more in the moment, as they ran down the track. I could may be run with them.
The starting gun goes off (POP!!!) My hair is standing on end right now.The Bolt has shot from crouch to running top speed in 4 steps. He is a giant compared to the other men running already looking to catch up. At 50 meters, Usain has reached his cruising speed (like 164 mile an hour!). The other runners look pained at the thought of having to run another 50 meters, as Usain was looking around for the nearest camera to smile into. I am seeing this but not believing the speed of this man.
Then Bolt glided, yes glided (wasn't even breathing hard) over the final 50 meters while running through the tape like a true sprinter should (Reminder to Usain...you should always run through the tape). I can't believe my eyes as I see the clock and it shows 9.58 seconds a New World Record. My heart is beating as fast as any runner right now. My fists pumping in the air wishing I could be high fiving the guy next to me in that stadium.

This is that moment that makes me a sports freak.

As I arrived to work on Monday I asked my co worker if he had seen the race that Usain ran and his response was "Who?"

The world is Usain's stage now. Get ready for the show. Don"t blink or your going to miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice Ray! I felt like I was watching the race with you. Usain is a real superstar!
