Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Little Hustle Please

As I am waiting behind some random tourists departing the theme park, I am driven to jumping off the people mover and decide to walk along next to those to weary from their full day of fun. 99 out of 100 people have choosen this mode of transportation to get to their cars and the fact that it moves half as slow as a person walking normally has no effect on all those peeps. It's unfortunate but it's not just one location that the lazy are treated like royalty. We also have those people movers at the airports, the mall and my lord we even have them at supermarkets because people can not be bothered to push their ginormous shopping carts in and out of the store.

Can I get a little hustle people?

Now I am off my soapbox and will direct my energies to letting you know how a little hustle makes all the difference in sports.

Is it just me, when I see a high school or college basketball player diving out of bounds for a loose ball, it is for pure sportsmanship and desire but when I see a NBA player do the same I feel they just want to get on the highlight reel. You can have the pros. I'll take those school kids with floor burns on his elbows and knees any day.

I am at the Mets /Padres game, Bip Roberts is batting for the Pads, he lines a clean single to left center. The left fielder for the Mets (how many have they had?) is phoning it in. Bip sees this and turns his jets on and is heading toward second. You stand up out of your seat, you can stop from yelling at the left fielder to move faster than in slow motion. The throw comes in.. Bip is sliding spikes first... It's close, but Bippy Baby is in just under the tag.
Maybe more exciting than a home run, maybe.

I know some ball players have bad wheels(legs), some are just old (Julio Franco), most I am ashamed to admit it, are not hustling. But getting thrown at first on a hit to right field is unforgivable. You just hit the ball on the ground, say 150-200 feet from home plate. You have to run 90 feet. If your left hand batter is just bit shorter. Take some pride, run like your 10 years old. Run like your running in your bare feet. Just run.

A Walk is just four pitches that are not strikes. A Walk is a free pass to first base. Pete Rose walked to first base the best. He sprinted to the base. Almost happy that someone was giving him a free base and he couldn't wait to get to that base. His cap would fly off and damned if I didn't thing he would slide into first one time just to do it. If you were on his team, you loved him for it if you were on the opposing team you hated him for it. Me... loved it!!
Charlie Hustle belongs in the Hall.

I love the relief pitchers who when called in to pitch, run full speed from the bullpen to the mound. That's hustle baby! Remember the old days(for me that the 70's) when each team had huge Hat shaped golf carts to shuttle those relievers in. Some were even driven in the team mascots. (my fave, Phillie Phanatic)
They were so cool.

Why can't the two minute drill be run other than at the end of the half and the end of the game? I am not saying every possession, but you would think some team would try it more than twice a game. Jeez, give Peyton Manning a few opps like that and he would have 100 touchdown a year. Just saying.

A little more bashing for the NBA fan. Why does every player think they get fouled and then cry to the ref about not having a foul called. I know they get fouled every time but who wants to see a free throw shooting contest. My deal is when they are complaining , they are not playing defense and they are allowing the other team an advantage at the other end of the floor, usually resulting in two points for the opposition. Get back on D my boys!

I spent many a night staying up late to watch the US Open Tennis in New York. As well as slept on many a train after leaving Arthur Ashe stadium at 2AM. The night matches make the good players great and the underdogs seem unbeatable. I've seen Michael Chang run down shots that the normal tennis players would just give up on. His was cat like , he could turn on a dime and never got tired. Maybe it was the lights, maybe the full moon. The fans loved him for it.
Hustle never goes unappreciated.

Martina hustled on every point. This was Martina's game: Serve.. rush the net...volley... Serve... rush the net...volley. Relentless. Tennis at it's best.

How can it take six hour for the pro's to play 18 holes of golf? I can see us hackers taking a while, we have a few beers, play around in the golf carts,flirt with cart girl and take the one, ahem, two mulligans per side. But them, they just hit it and then walk to the ball and then hit it again.Maybe carts for hem would not be such a bad idea. Nice 64th place finish dude. Even nicer $45,000 check you got for that great finish. Maybe they are just Hustler's.

Thank you COT for ruining NASCAR.
Just let'em race and the fastest car wins.
Yarbarough- Allison fight(hustle/moxy)

Hey baseball pitchers... 4 hour games? Really? Is it really necessary for you to shake off the catcher 14 times before deciding to throw fastball?
Hey Bud, we are looking for Pitch clock.

So get your giddy up and keep a pep in your step because the sportfreak will be watching.

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