Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Want to go halfsies ?

As I watch my upteenth football game this weekend I have noticed that I am seeing less and less of a sports tradition that will ultimately be seen only one day a year fi it continues at its currentpace. I am talking about "the Half Time Show". After shoveling as much sports info into my head as humanly possible, the last thing I want to see during Half Time are highlights and breakdown of the game I was just watching.

I tend to lean toward the side of traditionalist when it comes to my sports. It was traditionally the Half Time show where I could sit back and see the home school marching band perform, as well as proudly show to a nation their school spirit.
I was always amazed by the band spelling out their schools name while playing.
Still am. Go FAMU Rattlers!

I wish to reclaim "Half Time" for all fans. Sure the fans at the game get some of this authentic "Half Time" but us suckers at home get a "Network Half Time Show"
How many gecko commercials can one person stand?

Sure we get an occasional look at the fans at the game when the teams score, but in comparison, we get far too many views of players spitting or coaches just standing.
Would it kill the TV guys to show more of the games fanaticals for more than 2 seconds. Some of us go through hours and hours of preparation to create our look for the game.What better time to showcase some of them than at Half Time? Seems like a no brainer to me.

Some newcomers to the NCAA Football and season have a lot to learn about school traditions that are dear to the schools faithful. Where better to learn about hook'em horns and how to rock them correctly. Or why a wild buffalo tears across the field during a score or why cannons are fired after a team scores or why we see cheerleaders doing push ups after the home team scores. The die-hards and alumni may know everything about their schools trads but a newby needs info and lots of it.
The networks need to think about keeping traditions alive a bit longer. If you could hear the Tennessee faithful, all 100,000 of them, singing Rocky Top you might be so overwhelmed with emotions you never knew you had, you might ditch your team to be a Vol for life.

Another area for TV to look to enlighten the nation is the Student Sections. The kids there are insane, not matter what school, plain insane. They love there school and boy do they have the spirit in them (yes some of those spirits too, you know what I mean).The students have their own traditions that we the public rarely see. Unusual, pregame rituals (Paterno-Ville), in game trad (ND's waving keys or Maryland's newspaper reading) and post game salutes.(WV singing Country Roads).
Before going to a game, be prepared, know them, be one with the students.

So if you feel as though the traditions of your school are somehow slowly being forgotten by the TV networks, so be sure to tell ,show, re-enact them to someone, anyone, everyone new to the fabulously insane world of college football.

the sportsfreak will see you "the Half"

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