Friday, October 22, 2010

Get a Grip Already

We've all been there right? The first time that you accidentally lose the handle of the bat during a swing and the bat is on its own into the wild blue yonder.
Some emotions/questions are sure to go through your mind when it happens, my first reaction was fear (is it going to hit someone/something, amazement (look at that trajectory), excited (its spun around 18 freaking times), calmness (how long has it been up there), global (thinking about Australia for some reason), pain (as it hits the ground), sadness (I'm sorry bat, I let you slip out of my hands)

I love it when a bat goes into the stands, now I don't want people to get hurt, but for me, it's one of the most exciting "all for yourselves" scenarios. As soon as the bats is in the air... some fans are getting into the fetal position, some diving behind loved ones (Sorry honey), a few are running up the stairs to get away or those who were on their phones, are bracing for the pain.
There's always one moron, who stands amongst the rest of us cowards and has to try and catch the damn thing. For some reason, he never catches it as cool as we thought he might catch it, right? It's not like he'll snare it blindfolded while holding a baby. He usually makes it with the awkward two handed body catch while saving it with his leg before it hits the ground. Then he'll thrust it in the air, so all of us can applaud. Not so smooth my friend.

Did you ever use pine tar?
I tried it once. No help with my hitting and it took a jar of Lava to get the crap off my hands.

Wearing gloves to the plate? You're a Momma's Boy!!

I swear to god I am shrinking. (As a man , does that sound bad?)
When I started playing tennis the racket grip was a 4 as I grew to an adult, a 4 1/2,then as time went by, a 4 1/4, now at the ripe age of 43 it's a 4.

Badminton- do I have lady hands? I am likin' the 3 3/4 grip.
The racket is like a whip!

To bowl or not to bowl with a glove is the question?
If you bowl with a glove.. Your a dick!

To bring you non-bowlers up to speed on bowling accessories,
Bowling has fingerless gloves... My guess is its for those going to play handball after.

They have fancy white gloves. Hey idiot, you're bowling, not playing golf.

The black half glove where it cut off at the knuckles.
Never sure what that was supposed to help you with.

Bowling has cyborg appendages for your hand and wrist that promised life-like ball control (hey Kirschenbaum !, that didn't work for you dude, but your #1)

I tried them all. Still feel like a jerk thinking they'd help my game.

Do as the others do and stick with the sportsfreak.

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