Thursday, May 13, 2010

That Smarts!

As I get ready to revisit my Doctor for an update on my injured goofy foot. I am reminded once again how much pain is associated with the sports I love. Almost all my injuries have come by way of sports. I had some teeth knocked out playing hockey, broken ankles playing basketball, broken nose playing baseball (I see a bright light)
broken some knuckles bowling (good luck figuring that one out) and an arm and wrist broken playing football.
A quick shout out to my sister Jen- she's the one who gave me the distinct honor of having a few stitches in my tongue.(jyur in tha bwlog, jyew havvy nowvv?)

So there you have it, I may not be on the level of Evil Knievel but I am only 42 and can't see myself slowing down any time soon.

Some sports injuries you just can't seem coming, your more than likely to feel them coming.

Horse racing seems like a gentle sport, but as soon a as horse decides he's had enough of the dude whipping him, he'll throw that throw jockey not just off to the side but right in front of him and the other horses. Like the trampling will do the jockey some good.
Whip it good!

One of the rare times I cried while watching a sporting event was when I witnessed Derek Redmond pull up lame on the track and his Pops ran on to the track and supported his limping son around the track. Redmond was in such pain. But nothing would keep him from finishing his olympic race.
Tissue please.

Nothing is as matter of fact as getting hit by a baseball pitch. You have all you focus on hitting the ball. Not the other way around. You have 1.4 second to react but most of the time when you do get hit, there is no reaction. You just have to take it. In the back, the arm (thanks Kenny M) or even the buttocks. Yes your buttocks bruise just as easy. Maybe Barry Bonds had the right idea. Pad yourself like a football player and your all set.

NFL players have become a generation of concussion zombies. Never in the history of sport has the governing body fully admitted that they have a problem.
A message to the NFL- you have a problem.

Did you know 95% of Hockey players who played in the 1980-1999 have lost at least one of their teeth playing the game. I too have have lost a few toofs.
Smile for the camera boys.

Drag Racing: I loved eating fire balls when I was a kid. Cringe when I see one on the track. Let's be honest, we don't necessarily want them to crash, but we are mesmerized when they do.

Toughest injury to view had to be a baseball player, Moises Alou breaking his leg while running the bases. The sudden sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, the aversion to watch the replay, the helplessness of the runner laying there.
Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!

To all the soccer player "Please stop faking your injuries". This is the most corrupt sport (The NBA is closing in fast) when it comes to "real " injuries.
Sorry Soccer, I'm just keeping it real.

The sportsfreak says "Take Care"

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