Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ball Boys Ball Girls

I was watching the Rays game the other days and a foul ball was hit and only for the grace of god did the ball not hit the ball girl sitting in foul territory.
Now, I get the idea of the ball girl and the reason they are there.
You know how it goes.
Foul Ball + cute kid + TV cameras = The WORLD is good.
In reality, what does this ballperson do for the sport, are they really an integral part of the game. Ok class, let discuss.

In Baseball they are called ball persons. I have seen many a good catch of a screaming grounder and some just down right, eyes closed, please go in my glove attempts. My favorites are those stupid fair balls that the ball person interferes with and then gives that sheepish grin like they had no idea that a ball could ever be hit fair.

Maybe MLB can do a reality show of sorts. My idea is allow fans to be ball persons. It could be a random pick every night. Imagine sitting is your upperdeck/box seat and getting asked by an usher if you want to be on the field covering the third base line territory. You get a jersey or maybe you have to wear catchers protective gear.
How cool would that be.
Other ideas:
Have the DH be the ball person. What else does he have to do, right?

Fan/Public vote for their celebrity ball person. Up next: Megan Fox!

Invite little league team to the game: Surprise (18) little dudes with that!

Real or Not real you make the call

In Tennis they are called ball boys/girls. As far as I am conerned they play a pivotal role during the whole match, unfortunately some of things they have to do are gross or cruel.
Who would want to be the towel giver-holder? Pretty nasty.
Some plastic glove please.

A human target is not what I think they signed up for.
For years they were not allowed to move away from the ball.

The Master's in Madrid has it right: Runaway Models are the ball girls. Nice.

Ball Boy Tryouts at the US Open are in June. Wish me luck.

In Basketball they are called the sweat mop up dudes. Need I say more.

May your balls always be foul.
The sportsfreak has spoken.

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