Monday, May 24, 2010

Should I Stay or Should I Go ?

These times.. they are a changing.
It used to be that you'd live and die with your team.
Your starting QB gos down in the 1st week?
You stared rooting for the back up -ol' whatshisname

In today's (1986?), Janet Jackson's "What have you done for me lately" world, we faithful are turning our backs on our teams in record time.

We are not talking a year of suffering, not even an incident (murder, drugs, PED's) catch our attention any longer. All it takes now is just takes one bad game and we are ready to throw our team/player under the bus.
This is what I heard from a Cav's fan after losing their final game
"HEY LEBRON THANKS FOR NOTHING, PLEASE DON'T GO, GO AHEAD LEAVE US, YOUR A BUM, WE LOVE YOU.") 15 seconds and you got 5 changes of heart. That's what being a sports fan has become? How sad.

How did we get to this point? Who has led the charge?
Was it the players leading us down this road?

Most players truly care about the game and the fans, but some could simply care less (FU - Joe Johnson)

Is it about money?
Being priced out of most stadiums hurts, welcome to the upper,upper,roof top deck, Mr. Average Joe.

Is it the players who are given too much money? "That stiff is making $13 mil to sit the bench"

Is it about the disconnect with players?
Try getting an autograph? haha- players security personnel is there to keep you from "annoying" YOUR hero.

Can we change this ugly trend? Probably
How? Stop overreacting sports freaks! All I can say is "relax playa".

In this world of I want it yesterday. With everything being forced down our throat. If you don't slow down , you going to miss some great things.
Before you throw out your history with your teams. Give yourself a moment.
You will never forgive yourself if you don't.
I can only use the past as my way to change.
You can look at moments in time that keep you coming back to the game, players, teams you love. It may have been just a moment that has stuck with you forever.

Like running into Walt Frazier outside MSG and him asking if I want to share a cab uptown.

Hearing Bill Walton laugh when I joked about Louis Orr's physique.

Having Cal Ripken Jr. playfully calling A-Rod to come over to give an autograph to this guys wife who thinks he has beautiful eyes.

Being a 14 year old kid, eating Chinese food with Marty Lyons of the Jets Sack Exchange.

Seeing Tom Seaver in the City and instantly going mute right in front of him.
Is that how I got my name sportsfreak?

Deliriously running around in the parking lot with my friends after listening to Mookie Wilson's roller go through Bill Buckner legs.

You all have these memories, You all have moments to keep you going. This is what make you that fan of your team or want to be like your hero. Look back on them with respect.

Are you ready to give up those future memories just because you team lost 24 hours ago?
I hope for all our sakes you don't.

The sportsfreak will root, root, root for the home team and if they don't win its a shame. No worries, I'll still be there for the next game.

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