Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's Next?

I have many questions and am not sure if they can all be answered in my lifetime.
I am waiting for the next giant leap in sports history. Something that has never happened before nor been seen. I'm a looking for the Jim Beamon type of moment. His jump was truly a giant leap in sports.

Maybe the question that really needs to be asked is
Has the human body reached its performance limits in sports in which we play?

Dunking a basketball is a prerequisite in the NBA. So why are we so bored with the slam Dunk contest? Players have been able to jump about the same height for the last 40 years. So what can it be, have we physically run of ways to dunk the ball?

We have MLB pitchers who can throw 100 miles an hour. We had them for the past 30 years. Do we have radar gun problem? Maybe that's a little far fetched but I am looking for the possibility for a ball player to throw 105, 110 or even 115 mph?

Sidd Finch are you out there? !!!

Can our track athletes run faster?
We have seen the amazing feats of Usain Bolt and how those events caught the attention of the entire world. In his events measured in thousandths of seconds his performance was great, but if he had taken full seconds off the record we would have sports insanity.

As fast as we a can run now, will there ever be a 3 minute miler?
It has taken us 100 years to lower the mile record from 4 min 14 sec to 3 min 43 sec. Not exactly amazing.

Why can't the worlds best leapers jump higher than 8 feet? It has been almost 20 years since someone (Javier Sotomayer) has.

What's the big deal about rushing for 2,000 yards? It happened in first 1973 and then in the next 37 years, 5 more players reached it. Hey NFL is that all you got, I am waiting for the first one to runs for 2500 yards or even 3000 yards.

We've had more than our share of records for the most whatevers scored on a Tuesday night, when leading by at least 3, with 26 minutes left to play, while playing its
6th straight game on the road.

Plain and simple,
I just want a record to be set and it have some old fashion substance.

The sportsfreak is history.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Should I Stay or Should I Go ?

These times.. they are a changing.
It used to be that you'd live and die with your team.
Your starting QB gos down in the 1st week?
You stared rooting for the back up -ol' whatshisname

In today's (1986?), Janet Jackson's "What have you done for me lately" world, we faithful are turning our backs on our teams in record time.

We are not talking a year of suffering, not even an incident (murder, drugs, PED's) catch our attention any longer. All it takes now is just takes one bad game and we are ready to throw our team/player under the bus.
This is what I heard from a Cav's fan after losing their final game
"HEY LEBRON THANKS FOR NOTHING, PLEASE DON'T GO, GO AHEAD LEAVE US, YOUR A BUM, WE LOVE YOU.") 15 seconds and you got 5 changes of heart. That's what being a sports fan has become? How sad.

How did we get to this point? Who has led the charge?
Was it the players leading us down this road?

Most players truly care about the game and the fans, but some could simply care less (FU - Joe Johnson)

Is it about money?
Being priced out of most stadiums hurts, welcome to the upper,upper,roof top deck, Mr. Average Joe.

Is it the players who are given too much money? "That stiff is making $13 mil to sit the bench"

Is it about the disconnect with players?
Try getting an autograph? haha- players security personnel is there to keep you from "annoying" YOUR hero.

Can we change this ugly trend? Probably
How? Stop overreacting sports freaks! All I can say is "relax playa".

In this world of I want it yesterday. With everything being forced down our throat. If you don't slow down , you going to miss some great things.
Before you throw out your history with your teams. Give yourself a moment.
You will never forgive yourself if you don't.
I can only use the past as my way to change.
You can look at moments in time that keep you coming back to the game, players, teams you love. It may have been just a moment that has stuck with you forever.

Like running into Walt Frazier outside MSG and him asking if I want to share a cab uptown.

Hearing Bill Walton laugh when I joked about Louis Orr's physique.

Having Cal Ripken Jr. playfully calling A-Rod to come over to give an autograph to this guys wife who thinks he has beautiful eyes.

Being a 14 year old kid, eating Chinese food with Marty Lyons of the Jets Sack Exchange.

Seeing Tom Seaver in the City and instantly going mute right in front of him.
Is that how I got my name sportsfreak?

Deliriously running around in the parking lot with my friends after listening to Mookie Wilson's roller go through Bill Buckner legs.

You all have these memories, You all have moments to keep you going. This is what make you that fan of your team or want to be like your hero. Look back on them with respect.

Are you ready to give up those future memories just because you team lost 24 hours ago?
I hope for all our sakes you don't.

The sportsfreak will root, root, root for the home team and if they don't win its a shame. No worries, I'll still be there for the next game.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

That Smarts!

As I get ready to revisit my Doctor for an update on my injured goofy foot. I am reminded once again how much pain is associated with the sports I love. Almost all my injuries have come by way of sports. I had some teeth knocked out playing hockey, broken ankles playing basketball, broken nose playing baseball (I see a bright light)
broken some knuckles bowling (good luck figuring that one out) and an arm and wrist broken playing football.
A quick shout out to my sister Jen- she's the one who gave me the distinct honor of having a few stitches in my tongue.(jyur in tha bwlog, jyew havvy nowvv?)

So there you have it, I may not be on the level of Evil Knievel but I am only 42 and can't see myself slowing down any time soon.

Some sports injuries you just can't seem coming, your more than likely to feel them coming.

Horse racing seems like a gentle sport, but as soon a as horse decides he's had enough of the dude whipping him, he'll throw that throw jockey not just off to the side but right in front of him and the other horses. Like the trampling will do the jockey some good.
Whip it good!

One of the rare times I cried while watching a sporting event was when I witnessed Derek Redmond pull up lame on the track and his Pops ran on to the track and supported his limping son around the track. Redmond was in such pain. But nothing would keep him from finishing his olympic race.
Tissue please.

Nothing is as matter of fact as getting hit by a baseball pitch. You have all you focus on hitting the ball. Not the other way around. You have 1.4 second to react but most of the time when you do get hit, there is no reaction. You just have to take it. In the back, the arm (thanks Kenny M) or even the buttocks. Yes your buttocks bruise just as easy. Maybe Barry Bonds had the right idea. Pad yourself like a football player and your all set.

NFL players have become a generation of concussion zombies. Never in the history of sport has the governing body fully admitted that they have a problem.
A message to the NFL- you have a problem.

Did you know 95% of Hockey players who played in the 1980-1999 have lost at least one of their teeth playing the game. I too have have lost a few toofs.
Smile for the camera boys.

Drag Racing: I loved eating fire balls when I was a kid. Cringe when I see one on the track. Let's be honest, we don't necessarily want them to crash, but we are mesmerized when they do.

Toughest injury to view had to be a baseball player, Moises Alou breaking his leg while running the bases. The sudden sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, the aversion to watch the replay, the helplessness of the runner laying there.
Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!

To all the soccer player "Please stop faking your injuries". This is the most corrupt sport (The NBA is closing in fast) when it comes to "real " injuries.
Sorry Soccer, I'm just keeping it real.

The sportsfreak says "Take Care"

Monday, May 10, 2010

How do you like your beatings?

Run'em up or keepin it close. There have been many a debate about whether sportsmanship is taking place in our sports universe. I feel that sportsmanship comes in many shapes and sizes. If you play a game, someone will win and someone will lose. I think that over the years people have forgotten about that. No one is going to go mental if they get beat in little league by a score of 55-3, we didn't care about the score, we just wanted the ice cream after the game. Sometimes we'd be at the same ice cream shop with the other team kids. There were no brawls that I can recall.

We've all seen the classic beat downs.
We all have our fav's and our not so fav's.
So whatever your view on this. Always remember, it is just a game.

If you wound up on the wrong end of a 77-0 football game. Sorry to you.
But if your in it for a big pay day against the big boys, you got take your lumps.

I'm not for a BB team scoring 212 points. There can be some sportsmanship.
Just Stall Baby Stall. Be a sport. So instead you win 154 to 11.
Live with it.

Is scoring 20 runs in a MLB game too much or are just you a nancy boy?
You can't sub for the subs sub right?
When you put your bat boy into pitch because your so far ahead, don't feel bad for the other team.

Tennis is so nice. You just got beat love love and love. Man don't feel bad, you got three times more love today than yesterday. Plus you got bagels for the next three days.

Hockey is more entertaining for fans when the score is run up. Sad but true.
Questions I need answered.
How many times can goalie be taken out and put back in?
Who's our 5th line goalie?

Gotta say that a route in soccer is not very exciting.
Give me a nil nil game anytime
If a route is on, can you use the kids you held hands with while walking onto the field as your sub?
FIFA alert! Mandatory goalie pull if a team is too far in the lead.

Ok you cowboys are just plain nuts . Your sport is a beating itself.
If you go easy, your getting you head stomped in 1.2 seconds.
Props to you tough guy!

My worst sportsmanship moment:
I was 12, playing in a indoor tennis tournament. I was not playing too well against a kid I thought I should have been beating. I got so mad after missing one point I whipped my racket across the court.(Hi Johnny Mac). To make matter worse I lost the next point and whipped it again even further across the court. Man was I bent.
The kid continued to beat me and I ultimately lost.
I, being of sound mind, then went to the net and didn't shake the kids hand.
I don't know where that kid is now, but to him I say "I am sorry."

The sportsfreak says if you must whip it....whip it good!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ball Boys Ball Girls

I was watching the Rays game the other days and a foul ball was hit and only for the grace of god did the ball not hit the ball girl sitting in foul territory.
Now, I get the idea of the ball girl and the reason they are there.
You know how it goes.
Foul Ball + cute kid + TV cameras = The WORLD is good.
In reality, what does this ballperson do for the sport, are they really an integral part of the game. Ok class, let discuss.

In Baseball they are called ball persons. I have seen many a good catch of a screaming grounder and some just down right, eyes closed, please go in my glove attempts. My favorites are those stupid fair balls that the ball person interferes with and then gives that sheepish grin like they had no idea that a ball could ever be hit fair.

Maybe MLB can do a reality show of sorts. My idea is allow fans to be ball persons. It could be a random pick every night. Imagine sitting is your upperdeck/box seat and getting asked by an usher if you want to be on the field covering the third base line territory. You get a jersey or maybe you have to wear catchers protective gear.
How cool would that be.
Other ideas:
Have the DH be the ball person. What else does he have to do, right?

Fan/Public vote for their celebrity ball person. Up next: Megan Fox!

Invite little league team to the game: Surprise (18) little dudes with that!

Real or Not real you make the call

In Tennis they are called ball boys/girls. As far as I am conerned they play a pivotal role during the whole match, unfortunately some of things they have to do are gross or cruel.
Who would want to be the towel giver-holder? Pretty nasty.
Some plastic glove please.

A human target is not what I think they signed up for.
For years they were not allowed to move away from the ball.

The Master's in Madrid has it right: Runaway Models are the ball girls. Nice.

Ball Boy Tryouts at the US Open are in June. Wish me luck.

In Basketball they are called the sweat mop up dudes. Need I say more.

May your balls always be foul.
The sportsfreak has spoken.