Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are You Clean? or Are You Dirty?

It has long been my preference for athletic uniforms to be clean or neat when watching or playing sports. it started when I was in little league. I was so happy to get my first uniform. I could care less what number was on the back (it was 11 by the way)I was pumped up that it was white with a red pinstripe down the side. My coach probably was not that happy because I did all I could not to mess up that uniform. No diving , only sliding at the last resort. I should have been prancing around the field. Geez.

Watching enough baseball throughout my life I have been seeing some uniform trends I cringe at daily. Manny Ramirez- please change out of your freaking pajamas, have a little respect for the game. Joe DiMaggio is turning over in his grave. Mr. Coffee, more importantly Mr. Yankee oozed class. I have never seen a picture or video of that guy with his uniform messed up. I loved the quiet Roy White and now following that Jeter guy right now.

Growing up, Steve Garvey of the Dodgers was my all time favorite clean guy. Neat as a pin, picture perfect swing. After he would get a hit he would fold his batting glove and place is neatly in his back pocket.
Pete Rose was the messiest of players I'd seen. He would be neat in the 1st inning and a complete dirty sweaty, grassed stained mess by the 9th. Charlie Hustle- Hall of Famer.
2nd messiest was Rickey Henderson- you try stealing bases sliding head first and keeping your uniform clean. Not that easy.

As we go through the wide world of sports I would like to share with you some dirty things and some squeaky clean things as well.

Mad props to all the tennis players who continue to wear their tennis whites. The fashion shows on the courts right now are ridiculous. We all have the Meth Head Andre Agassi to thank. Serena Williams in a Cat Suit. Ugghh!!
Please listen to Ron Burgundy when he say's "STAY CLASSY"

Man, football players keep it simple. The players who play outside get dirty and the players who play in a dome don't. Who doesn't love a game when it so rainy and the field is a mud puddle. Everyone slipping and sliding can't even some the players numbers. Very cool. Snow is just plain crazy, slush is even better.
I used to hate playing football outside in the winter, getting tackled and getting snow inside of your gloves. Freaking wrists were frozen and now your hands were soaked and slowing becoming ten little Popsicles.

Hoop Star who stand out me are Micahel Cooper of the Lakers. His high sock to the knee an his neatly pressed uniform which never looked messed up.
Nowadays, the players bodies are just dirty- sorry but the body ink is just too much to bear. David Stern, can you hear me?

Why doesn't a NASCAR Team get sponsored by Clorox - how cool would that be.
A White Car, no sponsor stickers.
Pit Crew is dressed in white- looking like ice cream men. Sponsored by Good Humor.

Volleyball is very unique- one the one hand- who can't get enough of women dressed barely anything rolling around getting dirty in the sand. Maybe they can have a sideline shower for them to rinse off after each play. Please don't get me wrong, they play hard every point and they are world class athletes.

Weird but true: Michael Phelps was super CLEAN, from lots of water and chlorine, no surprise there. Now he is DIRTY, stained by grass.

A special shout out to my clean heroes:
Mr. Clean (rockin' the earing)
Mr. Rogers (rockin' the sweater and slippers)


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Need Me Some Swimmies

My first swim lesson was my last swim lesson. How can any sane person, let alone a 6 year old, feel good about putting their face in the water. No holding your nose, no closing your eyes. That's not normal people. Needless to say I failed to graduate to the big pool.

Now today at 42, it is the same old Ray jumping into the pool and holding my nose before hitting the water. God.. how many pictures of that do I have from past pool parties. My nieces and nephews always laugh at that sight. Punks!

Ok Ok I know what your thinking. Maybe get one of the nose pinchers. Yeah, they hurt like the dickens and then I want to breath through my mouth. Not a good thing in the water. Maybe swim lessons- Not sure I can drum up the courage. Don't get me wrong I can swim, Just the under water breathing thing is the problem. Not sure why I like lots of the water sports then.

Snagged a cool artist rendering of Steve Lundquist at the Flea Market last week, I remember watching that dude along with Rowdy Gaines win some gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. That was the last time before Michael Phelps that the USA was any good in the pool games. Before that, we had our Golden Boy seven time over Marc Spitz. Spitz got his records in a smaller six lane pool and never got lane favoritism. He won two medals swimming in the last lane. Looked like he was swimming in the ocean the waves in the pool were so big.

All swimmers should have to swim the way Marc did. Speedo, mustache and actual body hair. Then we could really compare who is the best ever. Wouldn't that be a sight? Ladies... easy does it!

Why do the types of swim strokes have such girly names.
You have the Butterfly- hardest of them all, gentlest of name.
The doggy paddle- your girlfriend had to have made that up.
The backstroke- you ladies do love a good massage don't ya.
They got the breast stroke- Ok maybe a guy named this one.

I used to have a big fear of playing pool baseball. It was fun, but damn it was the splashiest game around. How was I going to hold my nose, swim to first, avoid the ball getting thrown or people diving at me? We played the best games in the Lombardo's big pool. Homerun was hitting the pool railing on a fly. The "Dink" was everybody's fave. The only rule that made sense was- you throw the ball out of the pool, you go get it. Poor Aunt Barbara, she thought we'd put a hole in the side of her pool jumping in and out so many times. Many classic games with Len, Mario and Ken.

What ever happen to the fashionable frilly ladies swim cap?
They were for ladies, not like the ones donned nowadays.
All men and ladies have the same type now and its hard to tell the difference between girls and boys.
Maybe the ladies should wear swim suits that are pink or yellow or with pretty designs. Why do they wear black? I know it makes them look skinnier, right ladies. But black doesn't make them faster. Speedo, are you listening????

I love the pool diving competitions. I'm not a big fan of diving myself...duh, the nose holding thing. Pay attention!
All I have to say about diving is Greg Louganis. Thank you very much.
The 10 meter platform is rally 2 mile high. I swear, see for yourself.
Recommended change for diving- running starts for distance dives. That be so cool.

Recommended changes for swimming
Why don't they handicap the swimmers by putting weights jackets on them. You know, like they do a jockey?

Introduce the Dog Paddle as an Olympic race. I can do that!

Diving for quarters with your eyes closed contest.

How bout Team Marco Polo in an Olympic pool. Think about that one for a minute.

I would love to be the judge of the PCBL- Professional Cannon Ball League.

OK kids, time to get out of the pool, now remember no eating for 30 minutes.

Do as Dory says, keep swimming, keep swimming, keep swimming swimming swimming!

Once a Sports Freak, always a Sport Freak.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just Shooting the Rock

Today after work, I will be going out to the driveway to shoot a couple of baskets.
Nothing takes the stress out of the day more that shooting a few rainbow jumpers that swish through the net.

The gym is not the place I like to go, but I know I need too. But for a short hour or two that little hoop in the driveway can make me cry uncle.

We've all heard the legendary stories of basketball players shooting hundreds of shoots every day during their childhood. I can say that I try to do that as an adult.
I go in thinking I'll count the number of shots. But that usually last only half way through the first listen to Kurtis Blows "Basketball".

The Zone- don't you just love the zone. You can't miss anything, your banking them in, your finger roll is working, the lefty shot that never goes in , goes in. We all been there, always want to stay there. But once you start acknowledging it. The zone is gone.

The Crowd Pleaser- Since I moved to our Florida neighborhood I barely knew my neighbors. Nobody gets out much. It's hot here, ok?
I used the hoop theory out on my neighbors. It was pretty simple. Everyday I would go out and shoot some baskets, I would get to see people returning from work, a good day or a bad day. They'd always say hi. I would see the adults riding the bikes around the block, How are you? Kids in the area would always want to shoot.
Before you know it, people are stopping and talking, some just want to take a shot, some to ask about neighborhood. Kids are knocking on the door to see If I'll come out to shoot a few buckets. Still meet someone new every week.
Now it feel like a neighborhood.

The Pied Piper- A bouncing ball makes an echo. Did you know that? You can hear a bouncing ball on the next block. This is a hypnotic sound around my block. The kids come out in droves when the ball is heard. I can be out there for few minutes and along comes Freddy or Malcolm or Shila or Cheyenne or Patrick. just wanting to play the basketball. When it get crazy, you have basketballs,volleyballs, baseballs, dogdgeball and pool balls all heading toward the basket. Kids aren't paying attention. Kids are getting hit on the head. Everyone is having a good time.
Its awesome!

Lucky Charms- who doesn't have a lucky spot on the court from which they love to shoot from. Mine is the middle of the street it lines up along the baseline on the right hand side. Or I choose the corner of the front walk, I have to shoot over a hanging tree limb. On a real court, my shot is just to the right of the free throw line. I am sure If you look hard enough, I've worn out my spot in the street.
It's money is all I got to say.

Time for my last second shot. I really mean the last shot.
Not sure how it got started but since I can remember, it was always bad luck when you left the court and you did not make your last shot. I have said this to so many players/kids/adults and they look at me like I'm nuts. It doesn't have to be a hard shot or from a specific location. Just a nice shot that goes in. To me it's like pleasing the basketball gods. The gods will in return bless us with another day of playing their wonderful game.

Another day , another two points.

That is why I'll always be a sports freak.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

For the Love of the Lane

It's Sunday afternoon and I am waiting to head out for a little shopping but I am keeping everyone waiting because I am watching ladies professional bowling.
No, you didn't read that wrong, Ladies Professional Bowling. In my defense, the one lady finished up with a 279. I don't hear anyone laughing now do I. I didn't... because they have all left me not wanting to wait any longer.

The beginning of my bowling career began at age 11, when I went along with some friends to their summer league. Parents were happy to get rid of kids for a few hours. After a few tag-alongs. I joined as well. My ending average 123, not bad for a novice.

Just like that I'm an addict, I'm hooked. I'm looking forward to my league bowling every week at Brunswick Lanes in Coram, NY. (Happy to see after 30 years the place is still there. I check every time I venture back to the Island of Long.)
I remember walking the 2 miles to the lanes many, many times. I even had to carry my ball. During the winter I was the like the postman, in the rain or sleet or snow, I walked the walk. My bowling ball was so cold when I got there I thought it would crack in half the first time I threw it down the lane.
When I was running late, I would ride my bike. You try carrying a bowling ball while trying to ride your bike. Not easy my friend. Broke about 4 stupid bags. Never cracked the damn ball though. Fell off my bike two times. Come on, as I said you try it.

The bowling alley was my kingdom. I loved everything about it, from the moment walking in the door and hearing some random ball smashing into the pins. POW!
(Still listen for it now.)
Spent a lot of time in the game room, spent alot of time trying to get sneak into the bar (later on in life spent to much time in there.) Spent even more time bowling. Back then games were 3 for $1.00. For $3.35 your league gave you 3 games, shoes, hamburger, fries, drink, cookie and a game token.
Christ a cookie now cost more than that.

I have few questions about the house bowling balls.
Why are there no PINK 16 pound bowling balls offered?
Why do keep the balls that have cracks in them? They don't roll very well.
Who has thumbs are that big?
Where was the Purell hand sanitizer then?
Was a Johnny Petraglia Ball just for lefties?

I have few inquires about bowling shoes.
Why so darn ugly? I wore ones that were blue and green with orange laces.
(The Ladies do not dig you in those shoes, man!)
What the hell is this that spray?
Why no designated wait time before handing those used just turned in shoes to the next guy? Nothing worse than a hot, moist pair of shoes.

Onwards we go, I learned you could get unlimited bowling if you just coached in a junior league. Being the adult age of 14 I joined the coaches of the Bantams. The kids were 5-8 years old. I had the most fun, these kids were just there for the soda and cookies, so I ate lots of cookies and drank lots of soda. My favorite memory of coaching was trying to coach Jayu, (what's up former neighbor!) Jayu was 7, had a vicious hook on his ball, so much that it would hook from on gutter to another. He had a 12 week average (that's 36 games )of a perfect "O" that's right a goose egg. I tried every trick in the book but he probably still goes down as the only kid never to record a single pin knocked down during a summer session. I'll ever forget you for that Jayu, HUSKER DU!

At 16, I ventured into the bowling alley work force, hell if I was going to be there that much, why not make some money (started at $3.65 per hour).
Holy crap! I was now running the bowling alley. First duites included cleaning the garbage cans and ash trays. Yep, smoking was allowed back then, encouraged really, more like a smoke fest. I stunk everyday I worked.
I loved working the desk, now I sprayed those stanky shoes.
I loved the voice of god speaker system. "We have a 180 on lane 16, a 180 on 16!"
I worked the snack bar with Katie. Free food!! Sorry for punching you Katie
I even got to go into the bar area to fill in the ice bins.
I liked to work the Men's League on Wednesday's, the best guys bowled then
The best bowler Mr.Dunkinberger, he was mean bastard and cocky and I swore one day I'd beat that guy. Finally did the next year when I bowled in that league. Just ask his wife.

I bowled all throughout High School, Go Wolverines! Remember a lot of funs times and some good friends.
Tom Kunkel dude was a real good friend.
Steve Kirschenbaum- couldn't figure you out dude, lose the wrist guard.
Ron Mulderig- intense- always intense.
Robbie Benson (didn't you bowl a 279 like that lady. Billy Idol Rocks!)
FYI- I still hate the Centereach Bowling Team. Hatred runs deep man.
I'll be honest the Newfield Girls High School bowling team I remember a little better. They were much better than the guys team.
Karen Dulovic, Catherine Parsons, Jackie DeJesus, Felicia Lago, Judy Prummell, Robyn Mulderig. Damn.. they were even nice to watch. It was tough to concentrate. I remember lots of fun during some of those matches. Bet your all still knockin em dead..

Quick note- The Pro Bowler Tour made a stop on the Island. They stayed at the hotel I worked at. Now Ray is having a heart attack! My bowling heroes, one by one live and in person. Could have died that day! My man crush on Amleto Monicelli was just beginning. Randy Pedersen and family -the nicest ever, Marshall Holman-your short dude. Pete Weber-damn your skinny. Mark Roth- hated you for beating Earl Anthony but a real nice guy. For one week I was in heaven.

I bowled in a number of Men's League for a number of years around the Island of Long, up to four nights a week.
Bowled at Port Jeff Lanes, NY (Congrat's 50 years old),
Sayville, NY- what's up Darren and Dennis? Can we get another pitcher of beer to go?
Even dreadful Centereach Lanes, NY -old and smelly
Good ol' Brunswick Lanes-thanks for the memories.

Now in the tenth frame, I do find it strange even to this day the excitement I feel inside me when I walk into a bowling alley. The time comes for me to throw my first ball... my friends or family are watchin.... my competitive juices start flowing... I always say to my self just then...... It can't it get any better than this!

That's what makes me a sports freak

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Don't Cross the Line

Why does a line on a field speak to me? They are just lines, some painted on, some stuck on, some frozen, some lines are invisible, some red some blue, most are white, some are curved, some straight, some you never want to touch again, some you can't wait to touch. Lines......

The free throw line on the basketball court in little Bicycle Elementary School was my first encounter with the line. 13 feet 9 inches away fom the hoop. Could have been 8 miles.
I was 4 foot zero, the basketball was twice the size of my head. I tried over and over from that line. Closer to the hoop you could do. The line meant something. Big kids (six graders) could do it , why not me. I remember it being blue, which was perfect because it made me feel blue. Stupid Line.

The Finish Line to me is the line of accomplishment. I remember finishing my first 500 yard dash. 2 minutes 23 seconds. Not bad for the 5th grader. Had the same energy rush finishing my first 5K and my first 10K. I love track and field, just once I wish I ran a race that I had to lunge through the finish line to neck out the runner next to me. It's quite picturesque (photo finish LOL).

Why are there so many lines on the football field? We have alot of them to keep up with. The sideline- where tips toes are very manly. The goal line- where majestic battles of girth are on display every sunday.
Why are they called hash marks? They are lines for chrissakes!
Does the Line Judge keep track of the number of lines? Weird right?

Is it called the fair line or foul line?
I used to draw a line in the sand before getting into the batter box. Stupidstition!
The line drive hit should be an automatic double. They are hit so hard,its just not right , do you hear me Bud?
How fast can you really run the bases staying with in the base lines? Evar Swanson 13.3 seconds. Ray Kubickso (thats me people) 22.4 seconds.
Don't you love the clanking sound of the ball hitting foul/fair pole/line.

The soccer goal line is life or death, dudes get shot for mistakenly kicking a ball over their own goal line.

Did you ever zip line? It feels a little like this:
Nervous...Nervous...scared...scared...I'm falling...God I'm falling...Am I flying...I'm f'in flying... This is so cool!... Yesssss !!

Oh yeah...Line dancing is not a sport.

This is the end of the line folks.
Remember to walk the line people. That means straight and narrow, like a line.. duh!

A sports freak? I am what I am.