Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Here Comes the Band

Sounds plays a very big part in all sporting events, some more than others. Fans making noise can be a distraction to a team or keep a team pumped up.
Sports fans can distinctly tell what type of sporting event is on the tube by just listening to the crowd. Jim, I can name that sport in two seconds.

We all have a specials sounds at the park/stadium/field. Here are few, that are music to my ears.

The most distinct sound to me in any sport is the cow bell. I can flashback to my earliest years watching the Wide World of Sports, in Austria, for the men's downhill skiing. The cowbells are still ringing in my head. I would never watch skiing unless there was plenty of cowbell.

I love to hear a drum at any sporting event. There was a guy at Shea Stadium who always used to bang his drum to get the crowd into the game. Nothing special, just loud enough to get us going. Or Just seeing the band's bass drum players hauling ass around the field during the halftime show. Now that was athletic.

I never listened to the kid across the street practice his trumpet 90 minutes straight. So why would I want to hear 50,000 fan attempt to play while I am watching a soccer match. I have nothing else to say about that.

What sound can be more emotional for an athlete than the ringing of the bell at a boxing bout? Before the first bell they are preparing ,finalizing, motivated, getting psyched up. Ding Ding!!(GRYS Apollo). I Pity the fool who catches the right cross on his chin. He may be thinking to himself "when is the bell ending the round going to ring?". When that bell finally does ring. It a minute of cool down and then a minute to get back into fight mode. The fighters go through this 30 times in 10 rounds. Whew! I'm tired just writing about it.

High school sports fans are different breed. Remember that money was something not all of us had in school. High sports fans are more apt to use the traditional Foot Stomp on the bleachers and their rolled up paper/book for instant megaphones. Simple yet effective.

Girls love to get whistled at. Sports guys don't. Whistles in sports are usually not a good thing. Here are a few situations in which a whistle is heard during game. The whistle in football starts the game. The whistles shining (and they do) moments are the penalties. Whistles like hockey penalties too.
Tennis has whistlers as well. Those laid back tennis fans use it as a way to voice their displeasure when a player questions a call and starts arguing with the chair. Do we think the whistling will make the umpires ears bleed until they change the call?
Lets not make the whistle a totally negative thing. A whistle starts a parade!!!! Who doesn't love a parade!!!

Nowadays we have the most irritating, machine created, noise makers in history.
I am talking about the "Thunder Sticks". Come on America!!! Have we become so lazy that it is just too much work to clap our own hands.
Just sing it with me" clap your hands everybody and everybody just clap your hands"

do re mi fa so la ti do ....it the sportsfreaks time to go.

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