So what do I do? Some other form of excercise? Naaaah.
To me it was like a get out of jail free card. It was now quality time for Ray.
A time to grab a pizza and catch a game I tivo'd.
Score update: laziness 1 exercise 0
Weather plays havoc on all sports. But what the players, fans and sportscasters do during those delays always seemed more interesting.
During a rain delay, we the fans at home are usually privied to the networks switching the broadcast to a movie from the 1980's... because watching "On Golden Pond" is exactly what I wanted to watch instead of the Yanks/RedSox game.
Just show Field of Dreams. "If you show it, we will watch it"
I've always loved the grounds crew pulling out the tarp to cover the field when it rains. It brings fond memories of 2nd grade gym class when we as a class had to lift a giant parachute up and down as fast as we could to create a huge air pocket under it and then all 30 of us would sit underneath it. OOH... AAH...where's my drink box?
The tarp as much as it is to protect the field it also becomes a stage for some players. My favorite tarp show was performed by Rick Dempsey, of the Baltimore Orioles, his antics recreating a home run trot while sloshing and sliding around the field was truly hilarious. Searching high and outside for video on the world wide web has come up empty. Sorry Sport, youtube does not have everything.
I've included a pic for those who've never seen it before.
For those of who did see it.. We were blessed.

Lighting schnightling, you NFL (never fuck w/ lightning) guys play in weather the postman won't deliver in and you wimp out when a little 1,000,000 volt bolt comes at you. For once just think of the fans, it would be awesome for us to be cheering for you as you scamper through the ankle deep water on your way to the end zone and BOOOOMMM!!! you are struck down at the one. Think of our needs once in a while
Troy Tice a high schooler did it. Why not you?

This dude and his uni were toasted like a pop tart!
Cleats popped right off his feet!
Does water dripping from the ceiling count as a rain delay?
It's bowling! Sure it does.
Wait, isn't it (a rain delay) part of the sport already. Allow me if you will, You've got three seconds of action. Then a delay for 90 seconds to rest, powder your sweaty hands, towel off the soles of your shoes, tape your fingers, tie your shoes, adjust your stick-on sponsors patches and wink at your pretty 300 lb wife in the stands. Then three more seconds of action. Then another delay of 90 seconds to drink some Gatorade, do a few sqauts thrusts, adjust your wrist guard, comb your hair with your hand and apologize quickly to your wife for your three seconds of action last night.
Whether it's raining or pouring out, I'm sure those guys are still going to fake falling down. It least now we can grade them with points on their dives.
A 10 for a clean entry into the water soaked field
A 5 for too big a splash
A 2 for over rotation/acting.
But in ways we don't normally see in the US, the crowd will react harshly if players are graded unjustly. Police (score keepers)paid the price in this clip.
OK.. OK.. so Bad-M players, never have to go through a rain delay.
The best we can can come up with is an air-conditoning delay.
Bad-M players will throw a really big temper tantrum if even a small AC breeze is felt. We are delicate creatures.
Can you imagine if the AC went on in the middle of this???
The forecast calls for 100% chance of more sportsfreak.