Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Hairy Time at the Game

As I watched with crazy happiness as Chris Chambliss rounded the bases after hitting a home run to get the Yankees into the 76 World Series, strangely instead of looking at the him running through the hundreds of fans on the field, I was fixated on Chambliss' helmetless balding head. Being nine years old and having a flowing mane of red hair, I never thought a player to be bald under his helmet. In my mind the helmet just covered their hair and of course they all had hair. Now every time I see the replay of this historic home run I can only think of Chris Chambliss' stupid head.

So now I would like you to take seat, sit up straight and stop fidgeting as I take a look back at some of my most memorable sport stars who've cropped to some serious do's and dont's of the "do" world.

Do be - Oscar Gamble: his hair on his 1974 baseball card is unbelievable.
I'm still not sure how his cap stayed on.

Don't be- Rory McElroy:
an pasty white Irish dude with Mr. Kot-TER's hair.
(That one was from way back freaks, hope you got it.)

Do be - Bronson Arroyo- He's the Goldielocks of the MLB.
He's got the stuff to back up his do.

Don't be- Brian Bozworth- if all you wanted to be remembered for in the sports world is how stupid your hair looked.
Mission accomplished.

Curley Culp- how did I wind up with some many of his football cards?

Shouldn't the NHL be given a major penalty because of the 30 years of mullets.

Do be - Ron Duguay new York Rangers 197O's heartthrob.
Never wore a helmet, as to not mess up his hair.
How many posters of him wound up in girls bedrooms?
The real question is how many girls bedrooms did he wind up in?

Here are a few quick snips before the stylist can see you.

Brutus "the Barber' Beefcake- gave the worst haircuts to the finest of wrestlers.

Jerry Hairston Jr.- he's got his Dad's hair.

Earl Combs- weaved his way through the Yankees outfield to the HOF.

Kyle Bush- dude is bush league. Wreck him in corners 1,2,3 and 4

Tim Crews- he of the classic cut.

Red Schoendeist- all red heads should be Hall of Famers.

The Predator- mad props to the alien who can pull off the dreads.

Fuzzy Zeoller- his brain got a little fuzzy in 1997.

Tom Brady- nice Beiber cut! New England sucks!!

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang- they had a car that flies!

Harry Carey- Ah-one! Ah-two! Ah-Three

the sportsfreaks blog will now fade to black.

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