Monday, January 25, 2010

Wood vs Metal

For all you golfers out there. This is not about your beloved games equipment.
Get over yourselves.

I have the real wood vs metal comparison for you. That's right "Tennis anyone?

With the Australian Open tournament just having finished up (god, didn't we all know that Federer was going to win) It conjures up memories of a time when a man just needed a hunk of wood with some cat gut to get the job done. When a players talent not his equipment proved him a champion. Damn you technology... damn you! Thanks but no thanks for the 150 mph serve and slingshot rackets.

I remember 40 kids practicing together all with wood rackets at swim club, the whole family owned wood rackets and would never think of using some flimsy new fangled racket made of some metal stuff.
Using wood gets you scrapes and cracks on your racket, we wouldn't care, we'd just tape it up continue playing.

Besides wood had cool signatures on the rackets of all the greats like, Chris Evert, Billie Jean King, Bjorn Borg, Doris Hart and Jack Kramer to name few.

I have now in my collection 30 plus wooden rackets, my wife thinks I'm nuts & friends think its weird. I can't explain the attraction of the wood but maybe it just keeps me on memory lane. I can tell you Moms played with an Imperial brown racket, mine was a Pancho Gonzales model. My bro always played with a Bjorn Borg model. My sisters played with Evonne Goolagong models.
Pops never played with a wood one, but a T1000 Jimmy Connor model was more his style(metal, hhhrrummpphh!)

If you ever get the feeling to watch some real tennis with rallies more than 4 shots. Take a gander at some of the videos of the greats using their wood to make beautiful shots. The mastery of Martina, the passion of Ilie Nastase, and Roscoe Tanners head band(Roscoe,ha ha.. that's a funny name.)

Wood has a feel to it. You can connect with it, Like its part of you.
I cried when I broke my favorite racket.. Why? because it was "my" racket.

I can't get enough of these rackets, even started collecting the old wooden protective braces. All shapes and sizes to protect the string heads. I used to paint these brackets but now just like them... oh naturale.

So?, the sportfreak has a few broken strings....who doesn't?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm the Sole Provider

I am heading to the sporting goods store to by me some brand spanking new sneakers. What guy doesn't like to buy themselves some new kicks? What?!!

When I was a kid, mom was my sole provider of new sneakers. Get It! Sole provider.
As long as they were white, I was good to go. I went through so many pairs while playing tennis and just goofing around in the neighborhood.
As I entered my tender teenage years I took over the footwear purchases, it was not like it is now where the kids know what kind of sneakers they want to wear when they are in the 1st grade. I guess the marketing of the athletic shoes has changed a bit since since the 1980's.

What I do recall was the introduction of Reebok sneaker. The first aerobic sneaker. In the beginning I always thought them to be ladies only shoes. They came in white and black, that was it. How boring.

After that it was Converse. How can I forget the Larry Bird against Magic Johnson
commercials. Green and White of the hated Celtics vs the Purple and Gold of glitzy Lakers. Choose your weapon. The Celtics still suck!

Then came the holy grail of all sneakers. With the introductions made by Mars Blackman, we were given the Air Jordans. I was in love with those sneakers. I saved up my money from my part time for a few months to get them. They were a pricey $64.99.
That's about $1453.27 in 2010 money. The Red, White and Black beauties were mine. I was so damn proud to have those sneaker. I wanted to wear them every day. I wanted to be like Mike. At that time, who didn't? I am proud to say I had those sneaker for ten years and it still hurt to bring myself to throw them out. I heard a few year back that Nike was giving rebates for all old Air Jordans. Something like a $150 coupon to use for new Air Jordans. If I'd had only kept them another 10 years.

I never opted for the "broken ankle waiting to happen" cleats to play baseball all those years but as I got older and playing into the softball/beer league, I opted to try them out. You know I am an old man and trying to use the right equipment to protect myself I grabbed a pair of cleats at local sporting good store. 1st game,
2nd inning, I attempt to slide into second, cleat gets caught in the dirt, Yep...sprained my f'n ankle. FYI-It's not good when your foot/ankle looks bigger than the softball. I didn't play the rest of the year. I curse you cleats! I am a moron.

FYI- Sandals are for people who live in the South. Northerners, do even try it!

P.S. Only sissies wear those god awful water shoes.

Went bowling the other night and you know what? Bowling shoes have been, are and will be forever damn ugly. How ugly? Not one persons clothing in the whole place could match those god awful shoes. Wouldn't you think by now someone (hello Cole Haan or Kenneth Cole) could be a major provider of bowling shoes. They do sell shoes that have bowling alley written all over them. Just saying, if you have to look that goofy trying to bowl why not look good while doing it.

My All Time favorite sports nickname : Billy "White Shoes" Johnson

The sportsfreak has 25 pairs. How about you?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Late Night Skate Party

Now there are many different types of skating. I have tried (ok at least attempted) them all.
I've rocked the metal roller skates with the magical key to get them off and on.
The rolling rink skates- crap brown and the laces were always broke. Why did one wheel always go to the left? Also very hard to impress the girls when you are falling all the time.

I ventured wearily into ice skating- I always had fun but always thought I would fall and another skaters skate would slice my throat ala Clint Malarchuk.

I was so rad with my roller blades, still got a pair and break them out every once and while. Can't forget the time skating in Central Park and whoever said stopping was the easiest part of skating is a big fat liar.

FYI- I can hang with the kids with my Heely's.

So for the next stage of my imaginary professional skating career I had asked good old St. Nick for a long board skate board. Since I was a kid I always wanted a skateboard. Who wouldn't want to speed down the street, jump the curbs, ollie this and that, freak out the donut shop, showcasing stuff out of your tricktionary.
Being I didn't want to die in my 40's. St. Nick came through and I was the proud owner of a Sector 9- 42" Long Board. My wife was beside herself and I am sure praying to god that I would return it before I attempted to kill myself. No luck honey, sorry.
My friends were kind enough to get me pads that practically covered my entire body.
Can't figure for the life of me why, this 42 years old body of steel needs no protection! Pads!!There are no pads in skateboarding!!
Off I go, 8 minutes into my first ride- I'M DOWN! Body parts going every direction. Stunned and disoriented, I get up and do the quick body diagnostic check, you know like the Terminator. All in one piece. Whew!

The sportsfreak: Annoying Pedestrians for years! Peace.